Search results

  1. I got World First Gallywix kill - Archvaldor!

    As many of you have seen, I was in the Race To World First for the Liberation of Undermine raid, and won. I found an exploit which allows me to one-shot any boss in the game. My name was Leechvaldor-Silvermoon. Due to the nature of this exploit, and my strong belief that it will not be patched...
  2. Only the war within - the rest is dead?

    It is more just a question of where there are enough players generally. Blizzard has fragmented wow into so many different forms lower-level brackets often just don't have any regular players.
  3. Has anyone else had a bad experience with a twink youtuber?

    Coming at this from the other side I get kind offers like yours all the time and I generally refuse. I appreciate them but I feel like I should pay that person back in some way whether they ask me to or not (generally speaking they don't). That's not really possible for me in any practical...
  4. archvaldor video about the twink bans

    You sound very intelligent.
  5. archvaldor video about the twink bans

    Generally speaking I'll avoid posting anything publicly which will get fixed as a direct result. I'll wait till its up on bug report, so I know it will be fixed, if that is the case. A lot of things eg pvp exploits just never get fixed. I uploaded a ridiculously powerful exploit three years ago...
  6. archvaldor video about the twink bans

    Which half?
  7. archvaldor video about the twink bans

    I am extremely careful with my attribution and have never knowingly taken anything without the explicit permission of the owner. I have done so several thousand times-any one can go through my videos and check that. The vast majority of youtubers either pay lip service to attribution or don't...
  8. Prismatic Elixir needs fixing

    Yeah, it is a nice bonus, but it isn't going to enable you to solo multiple players or anything.
  9. EU+US Gold Farming: Which spots are you using?

    Scarcity value for obsessive-compulsive completionists. Which explains the high price of anything which has no intrinsic value. Selling big-ticket items has high variance around the average. So you might sell it in a day for 500K or you might sell it in a month for 100K, or indeed you may not...
  10. EU+US 7.2 pvp

    Yeah, I mean how are we supposed to get around now:)
  11. WTS : an item to give infinite xp + rep bonus to any character you want (tradeable, non binding)

    Interesting idea, I have a ton of those. I knew about the wrapping paper never even thought about flogging them.
  12. EU+US 7.2 pvp

    That was the one thing I liked about legion pvp, healing was less stupidly broken. I hope we aren't going back to invincible healer pvp.
  13. Confirmation Blizz Dev Team Does Not Support Twinks (Even if the rules would allow it)

    I'm not sure what Bliz are supposed to say. How would you "support" twinking? Given how they actively "manage" higher-level pvp I'd take no "support" as a win, frankly.
  14. General Scroll Clicking Guide

    I'm quite surprised at the level of sophistication on this forum. Excellent guide, not often I learn so many new things.
  15. EU+US Hunter exploit guide

    Some useful tricks for twinking here, particulary exploiting way of the cobra:
  16. Invincible buff in low-level bg's

    This works better in low-level bg's but can be used in all of them. How it works: 1. Go to Talador, find wandering vindicator mob sw of horde base. 2. Engage in combat. Wait for mob to cast "Light of truth". 3. Stand in shiny crap. Enter bg/skirmish etc. You now have a 5000 hp heal every...
  17. EU+US Disc priest

    Hasn't it been like this for ages? I came up with a "number of healers" formula which predicted the correct result of a bg 80% of the time. It was over 95% with gear and healing spec/class taken into consideration.
  18. Hilarious Level 1 Rogue World PvP Movie!

    Absolutely loved this. Almost tempted to try out a level 1 twink myself.
  19. Warsong gulch jump guide

    Thanks for that really good guide. I had no idea player speed was impacting on jumps any more, really useful info.
  20. Blackened Defias Gloves

    Thanks for that, I was confused that got removed when bonus armor scaling got removed.