archvaldor video about the twink bans

i find the lack of anime girls in this thread disturbing.

oh cool i love watching archvaldor videos so i can keep up to date on the latest month old information he cribbed from us and other sources without attribution or recognition!
I am extremely careful with my attribution and have never knowingly taken anything without the explicit permission of the owner. I have done so several thousand times-any one can go through my videos and check that.

The vast majority of youtubers either pay lip service to attribution or don't do it at all, you literally picked one of the worst possible people to attack on this issue.

If someone genuinely feels they came up with an idea I used I am happy to credit them as the innovator retrospectively. Bear in mind people can discover things independently, especially people with multiple decades of experience twinking in wow. Most of twinking is simply checking a database, it is not rocket science, any one person is not going to know about something exclusively.
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I’ve watched the video and several others from Archvaldor, and he does usually give the name of who he got the info from. In this one he’s literally showing these forums.

I’m of the mind that Chops is partly right about the delay of information but not about the attribution. With the recent bans and other conversations on here, I feel like tensions are running high at the moment, and it shows through the messages. Most of us care about our accounts and our characters, and it’s a big loss to lose access. And while we do exist in a gray area, we don’t usually go looking for a ban. It’s easier to criticize than be diplomatic, especially when we’re already on-edge, but it’s worth acknowledging that the video isn’t demonizing the forum, and everything said toward us in it was fair from where I’m sitting. Some folks around here handle dungeon running better than others. I’ve seen twinks handle groups well, and also not so well (a run I was in a few days ago for example).This forum is full of some amazing players, and when you’ve been grinding for a specific dungeon drop for a couple hours, it gets tempting to go at full speed with or without the group: few are exempt from that, including me. Point being that while some speedrun dungeons for ego or otherwise, I think most of us try to do better.

I would like it if there were no delay for information in his videos, but from a YouTubing perspective I also understand it. If you’re wanting to make an income from it then Patreon is the way to go, and for that you need content people want to subscribe for.
Bottom line, the video is publicity for us and the recent bans, and I don’t see an issue with that.
I just find it weird to talk openly about exploits, just increases the chance it gets fixed.
But I guess thats why he only posts already publicly known exploits.
Generally speaking I'll avoid posting anything publicly which will get fixed as a direct result.
I'll wait till its up on bug report, so I know it will be fixed, if that is the case.

A lot of things eg pvp exploits just never get fixed. I uploaded a ridiculously powerful exploit three years ago which allows you to trap
an entire raid team in ashran-Blizzard never fixed it even though its got 200k views.

If I come up with something myself then I do what I want with it. A lot of my videos are content I came up with myself.
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I just find it weird to talk openly about exploits, just increases the chance it gets fixed.
But I guess thats why he only posts already publicly known exploits.
yeah i was about to say its not like any1 worth their salt would feed any useful/spicy info to a rat anyways so :selaexit:

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