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  1. Tynael

    Blizzard introduces new WoW VIP Login monthly subscription

    Maybe in the U.S.A the month comes first, but in most of Europe we use the following DD/MM/YYYY
  2. Tynael

    Blizzard introduces new WoW VIP Login monthly subscription

    Blizzard Entertainment, helping dudes doing their homeworks since 13/11/2014.
  3. Tynael

    Blizzard introduces new WoW VIP Login monthly subscription

    Talking about queues, The Maelstrom EU had 2k queue at 21:00 while Silvermoon EU (the most populated realm) had 5k. I wonder for how long we'll have these endlessly queues.
  4. Tynael

    Blizzard introduces new WoW VIP Login monthly subscription

    WTF? What is wrong with you? Haven't you ever read a article from The Onion or something? WTF?! I said it's satire, how a satire article could be OFFICIAL? It's mean to have FUN! And if you didn't bother reading, why do you rage then?
  5. Tynael

    Blizzard introduces new WoW VIP Login monthly subscription

    I just mentioned it's a satire article. What do you report it for?
  6. Tynael

    Blizzard introduces new WoW VIP Login monthly subscription

    Heya, gamers! I would like to share a satire post about Blizzard introducing new World of Warcraft V.I.P Login! If you want to have some more fun make sure you check the other posts on the website and don't forget to leave a comment in the comment section if you're eager to tell something or...
  7. Tynael

    Which one takes more skill: Battlegrounds or Arena?

    Arenas take more class to win; your mate and you have to synchronize the spells in order to counterattack the enemy's; sometimes staying out of the line of sight might win some games.
  8. Tynael

    The Maelstrom (A) Twinkers

    Hello, mates! If you're from The Maelstrom (Alliance) and into twinking we could play together and do some awesome premades. I got a level 24 Hunter. If you're interested, leave a reply or send me a private message.
  9. Tynael

    Warcraft Movie Teaser in Short Description

    There was a Warcraft teaser involving live action shots of Human vs Orcs at SDDC. Here is the description: Cue voiceover: “I’ve spent more time protecting my king than my own son… does that make me loyal, or a fool?” Cut to images of Alliance soldiers, followed by shots of Orcs and more...
  10. Tynael

    Tokyo Toy Show 2014: An inside Look. Your favorite characters as toys!

    This article is for toy lovers! Here you can find images with famous anime/toons/movies characters :D Enjoy!
  11. Tynael

    Last ever Darkmoon Faire???

    I have written a short article on this subject for Hallowed Gaming (surprisingly with the same title as yours) where I talk to myself about changes that will come regarding Darkmoon Faire and maybe an explanation for your question. You can check it out here!
  12. Tynael

    F2P moments, told by GIFS!

  13. Tynael

    Find Out What Happaned to The 2 Characters from Mists of Pandaria Cinematic

    The fun fact is that Chen Stormstout can drink they're ass off just because he is simply...the Brewmaster ! He can beat those 2 at drinking aswell.
  14. Tynael

    Find Out What Happaned to The 2 Characters from Mists of Pandaria Cinematic

    Ever wondered what happened to those 2 characters, Human and Orc, from Mists of Pandaria Cinematic after they had a fight with the mysterious Chen Stormstout? Find out what happened with them by watching the video below: Original post here!
  15. Tynael

    Know Your F2P Twink

    Deutsche Bahn über alles.
  16. Tynael

    How to beat hunters and rogues as HPal

    You can't run away from a Hunter. They are OP.
  17. Tynael

    right in the hopes and dreams

    Free to Play won't have the access to Heirlooms tab anyway. Maybe on that tab the Heirlooms will be shown but still you won't be able to benefit from this perk.
  18. Tynael

    Any Horde Want Some Sporeggar Rep?

    I am up for this. Tynael#2762 - The Maelstrom ^_^
  19. Tynael

    Do you feel guilt?

    Teh matchmaking is strong in WoW.