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  1. Wow's 7th Anniversary Gift for F2P's?

    You aren't paying for the game, dont' feel special. Took them 6 years to allow players to play the game for free for more than 10 days. If an achievement matters that much, might as well reactivate your account and just get it like the 11 million other people do.
  2. We need WT as horde tbh

    Well, from my standpoint from solo queuing, I always run into a MSC / BtB/ or LS 5+ premade late at night. Gaining my 14 honor a game as horde can be a boner killer, but I'm glad to see that Alliance are queuing.
  3. Bitch Quiting BG's

    Yar, it was. Watching Fony's vids were what got me into the whole twinking thing and probably a lot of other people as well. Since I'm too lazy to look them up, there are 2 vids I remember where BR beat WT floating around on YouTube. Keep in mind, this was during the days of leg patches...
  4. Bitch Quiting BG's

    Wait, are we not counting the times Bloodlust Represent beat them? I know they aren't in Pizza's SS thread, but it's on YouTube. P.S.: I miss Fony
  5. hacked? wtf

    This happened to my brother recently. Apparently there is a mass scam going around involving something along the lines of "Hey! New wow trailer at" or something of the sort. When you go to it, it has the same Blizzard account login interface and "requires" you...
  6. Guild Name Help! 10-19 BG

    <VC is Endgame> <The Purple Rangers> <WTF is AB> <WTB Mount plzkthx> <Press ShiftM> <Buff me buff me> <Jesus Was Soulstoned> Currently this is my bank alt that has a couple of guild tabs for storage, but will probably hold my twinks later on (and hasn't been banned yet)...
  7. Ginn-su price

    I had 2 on Winterhoof Ally side. Sold one for 650g the day I put it up, the other is still trying to be sold. IMO it's BiS for 39 hunters, so base your price depending on 39 twink activity on your server. If you are having trouble selling it, post on your battlegroup's forums, as people are more...
  8. US WTS Ginn-Su x2 and Exp GM Helm

    WTS Ginn-Su x2 and Exp GM Helm Have a Expert Goldminer's Helmet and 2 Ginn-Sus on Winterhoof ally side. Not open to xfers unless offered well. Not really setting myself on a price range but am open to offers. Reply in this thread, PM me, or send in-game mail to Nikyta.