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  1. Warrior Tips and Tricks (Living Document)

    Interesting stuff!
  2. 19 horde warrior questions

    Shield all the way. You can use Night Reaver or Smite's Mighty Hammer if you want to use a 2h.
  3. Horde Warrior Weps

    Those are the exact weps and enchants I’m going for at the moment.
  4. how much is it worth ? [UPDATE]

    Make a thread in the AH section about it
  5. BiS hunter gloves?

    Yeah, he explained it all.
  6. The Ninja Chronicles

    That sucks..
  7. Vent Your Frustrations II

    Server still offline =(. I needed this day to get DMF ticks ahaha..
  8. Transmog rating thread (rate 1-10, F2P only)

    bump.. This has to keep going
  9. yolo warrior 2k14

    nice set, i wonder how it works in bgs tho
  10. Vent Your Frustrations II

    Waking up early to open DMF chest, only to notice they are doing maintenance and I can't login. Woke up early for nothing.
  11. dont get mad im just lucky :)

    WBFH 1st daily <- His luck after getting LFH first catch..
  12. Questions & Answers

    Horde = Aggramar Alliance = Twisting Nether (highly populated)
  13. dont get mad im just lucky :)

    "Im so unlucky" <-- His words after losing a roll.
  14. "BIS" Ele Shaman?

    Nobles Robe is the only thing I notice
  15. The Brag Call Thread

    I got WBFH on my 1st fish daily... On a char I dont even play :'(