Search results

  1. Metal Working Gloves, Worth anything

    any thoughts on Wild Rider's Gloves - Item - World of Warcraft in case hunter is hitcapped ofc
  2. 19 twink armories

    Madivnar, 19 survival hunter - Madivnar @ Auchindoun - Game - World of Warcraft
  3. Hunter pet abilities fixed

    Actually quite happy about the bat fix, now i can finally get some proper looking pet out.
  4. Finnaly (the ring)

    Well, it's only about rng, nothing else. I was fishing for 6 months or so, when i was at home for weekend and i NEVER got it, and i always fished for fun or levels after the winner was announced. and this saturday i was fishing in schools and some tard came and killed me, so i was like w/e...
  5. Sunday - EU | AB - 7pm server time

    Topic says all. - Que only for AB - Que Lets repeat the fun we had last time we got AB popping. Cheers
  6. Finnaly (the ring)

    Just wanted to share my joy with you guys, after trying for several months, finally won the fish event and got my dread pirate ring. cheers p.s. anything happening with EU AB on sunday?
  7. :EU: AB weekend

    grrrr, i'm in Morocco on business, can't make it this sunday. Cya next week, and have fun!
  8. Sup

    Horde plx, we are in real need of a mage.
  9. Ambassador and still no cloak "-of the bandit"...

    Took me 2 weeks.. gl :)
  10. AB Sunday 19:00 Sever Time. EU !

    well now that we know ppl want AB, next sunday we can do it earlier, especially cuz it'll be AB weekend :)
  11. AB Sunday 19:00 Sever Time. EU !

    Would like to thank you all for showing up, think we all had a blast. Nice and welcoming change from WSG, funny tho, can't stop feeling that 19s feel far more "balanced" in AB then they are in WSG, prolly due to no 10man group hugging :). Cheers! Respect @ Kuzz :), epic heals man
  12. AB Sunday 19:00 Sever Time. EU !

    So far, Alliance 1 : 0 Horde :(
  13. AB Sunday 19:00 Sever Time. EU !

    A lot of ppl CBA to sign up/post, but will be there, spread the word.. Leave WSG alone for one evening, lets have some AB action!
  14. AB Sunday 19:00 Sever Time. EU !

    Very excited, it might actually happen tonight! :)
  15. AB Sunday 19:00 Sever Time. EU !

    I'll be on - Haxjin/Madivnar and my buddy too on one of his 19s. 2+ for horde
  16. Ab eu.

    Lets say sunday 19:00 (7pm) server time and que only for AB
  17. Ab eu.

    I'm up, say when.
  18. Queue Times???

    eu is going balistic, 5min to pop max, sometimes instant
  19. New Crit Ring

    Well, what i love about the ring is the fact it doesn't have a hard RNG factor like outland fishing contest. It took time but u can get it, and at least i really really enjoyed getting it, we need items that are hard to get so we got something to do :) And i don't know for you guys but i had...
  20. New Crit Ring

    just got the ring Madivnar @ Auchindoun - Game - World of Warcraft fished for 3 hours or so last night, and 2 hours tonight :)