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  1. Hello from an 85 Feral twink -mixed PVE/PVE!

    I have tried my hand at twinking three times. My first was an 84 shammy, then the 85 feral and a 14 dps monk. I found the monk to be very good at flag running, but I recently had to unlock him to make an alchemist and a leveling partner for a friend. He never had the battlemaster trinkets...
  2. Level 70 Rogue saying hello to all!

    Welcome, I would LOVE to see a book/manual on the proper use of rogues. Rogues seem to be the least used class in WOW, especially in alliance. Mine has been leveled outside of PVP mostly. I just stink at running my rogue, though I get the stealth aspect of the feral and use it very effectively.
  3. Is there any point in making an 85?

    I REALLY hate that. Blizz killed it by opening 85 to 85-89, sort of . . . As as 85 you have access to level 85 raids still, while 89s cannot raid at all. On the other hand 89s can wear gear that 85s cannot like the engineer dragon trinket (87). I have an 85 feral that still gutrips half to...
  4. Rate my lvl 10 rogue.

    I am afraid you are not loaded in yet . . . we are not ignoring you. We just cannot see you yet. Sorry.
  5. What do i do with it?

    Sounds like a good plan. Take a look at this site to compare it to yours: Level 14 Twink Windwalker Monk Guide
  6. Rate my 14 Hunter

    I am not sure why you are using a polearm on a hunter, but Enchant 2H Weapon – Agility: +25 Agility would be a better enchantment for that polearm. [Standard Scope] is the boost you want for a bow or gun at that level. The better option would be the Charmed Ancient Bone Bow or the Upgraded...
  7. Rate my Level 10 Stamina Warrior

    The problem with level 10 twinks is now that they are stat-modified in BG's. BOA gear is modified also to level 14, but not the green and blue non-scaling gear.