Is there any point in making an 85?


Hey guys,

Been working hard on a level 85 for a while now and I just did my first BG with exp locked. I noticed that everyone was upgraded to level 89... which is fine, but is there any point for me to stay at 85? Ideally I'd like to be strong in arenas and BGs, will everyone be upgraded to 89 in arenas as well?

Just a little confused here, why is 85 even a good level at which to stay?
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I REALLY hate that. Blizz killed it by opening 85 to 85-89, sort of . . . As as 85 you have access to level 85 raids still, while 89s cannot raid at all. On the other hand 89s can wear gear that 85s cannot like the engineer dragon trinket (87). I have an 85 feral that still gutrips half to 2/3 the 89 twinks.

My feral is using the 471 blue Quillen statuette trink and another 471 blue from archy, has 99% mastery and 45% crit. Moving under stealth and striking by surprise, DKs and priests -my favorite prey- usually die unless they get heavy backup fast enough.

I intend to keep my feral at 85 for a LONG time especially because she is a GM toon and I need a character that can raid at 85, lead groups, serve as an emergency dungeon tank, heal or DPS for warbringer/rare pandarian groups.

The whole idea of twinking is to MAKE A CHALLENGE out of a single bracket, to fine tune a character to maximum efficiency in gear selection, enchantments, buffs, teamwork (if u can get friends to help you), rotations, cooldown usage and movements. What better challenge than to be 4 levels lower than most of the competition?

Besides, being able to access older raids when you get tired of PVP, or to run the whole list of older level 85 content as a level 85 is a different experience, one that might help stave off boredom in the future. It is another sort of thing to do, a whole RANGE of things. There are a lot of things and 85 can do, that no other level toon can do!

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