Search results

  1. Roquez

    Seeking rogue for future 2s

    Are you looking for an rogue in Alliance or Horde? I got a alliance rogue myself :)
  2. Roquez

    What castor class to make?

    Just out of curiosity, how active is the 70 bracket atm? I would love to come back and play with my rogue again, but are the ques a bit decent again at night:)? look forward to hear! - Roquez
  3. Roquez

    24 Ally, where are you?

    Heya! I que almost every evening with some RL and real-ID friends of mine with 24 Ally twinks only :) I mostly que with my warrior Niada - Niada @ Quel'Thalas - Community - World of Warcraft or my balance druid Nostovich -...
  4. Roquez


    You dont need resillence as a rogue indeed, just go for pure burst and full pve gear. That is the most fun in battlegrounds and you got more then enough cd's to get away when it gets to hot out there;) Even tho if you want to aim for over 2k arena rating, you might want to go for a bit of...
  5. Roquez

    Warlocks. Where are they?

    Met some fine russians in bg's tho who are a pain to kill!
  6. Roquez

    <Legacy> WotLK Raid Progress

    Re: LF 1 Hunter or Melee DPS for PvE (Horde) I am definitly interested ! And would be able to come on my rogue or hunter twink! I prefer to tag along on my hunter, since he still needs some items, but I am willing to let you chose, because the idea of old-school raiding alone is already quite...
  7. Roquez

    70's Armory Vault

    Would like to add my rogue to the list as well if possible ! :) thanks!