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  1. Pick my main, end game borefest...

    A Note on Shamans The unsnareable talent is deep in the Enhancement tree and not reachable by an Elemental Shaman who wants key talents deep in their own. FYI. ^.^ Earthen Power Kaanaa Silver Hand
  2. Info on 49 Activity (US)

    Activity: Bloodlust US I remember seeing a while back someone saying that while BG9 was once the king of 39's, it's no longer true. Apparently, they all moved up to 49's. There are a good 7-8 (sometimes more) in every Arathi Basin on each side. Warsong Gulch has about the same ratio -...
  3. Fire Opal / Atalai Gear worth grinding?

    @Ugarak Do you farm Pendulum of Doom too? There's a line that must be drawn. If my twinks aren't 100% BIS and it would take literally months of grinding a drop to have a shot at it, that's something I can accept. I play WoW for fun, and grinding for months for something like +2 Stamina...
  4. Fire Opal / Atalai Gear worth grinding?

    Hey folks, Just wondering if any of you have successfully ground out the Fire Opal neckpiece from the BRD coffers or the Atalai gear from Sunken Temple's Troll minibosses? If you did, how long did it take you? Even if you haven't, do you think it's reasonable to attempt it, or is it...
  5. Why is Wall of the Dead > Gizmo's Hypertech Buckler?

    Thank you to everyone that contributed to the discussion. To the ones who are completely off-topic, politely GTFO my thread. And Ugarak - incredibly helpful post as usual. Kaanaa Silver Hand
  6. Why is Wall of the Dead > Gizmo's Hypertech Buckler?

    Hey folks, I see a lot of Elemental Shamans, Resto Shamans and Holy Paladin builds using Wall of the Dead instead of Gizmo's Hypertech Buckler and couldn't make much sense of it. What am I missing? From a stat standpoint, Gizmo's seems clearly superior: Gizmo's Hypertech Buckler...
  7. WWS Reports, Recorded PVP, Recount, etc.

    Hey folks, I'm looking for a way to reliably record my matches. Ideally, I'd fraps it all, but that's not always realistic as it can not only take quite a bit of storage to host all that, but takes up a significant portion of RAM while I'm at it. Does anyone know of any way to...
  8. @Kaanaa

    Hehe, yeah. I hate turtles. >.< For some reason, 60% of the Alliance on BG9 seem to think 0-0 is a great time to turtle.
  9. @Kaanaa

    That's me. But if by FR you mean Flag Runner, I'm not twinked for that anymore (I was at 29). I still do it occasionally because I know what I'm doing. :) Why do you ask?
  10. Freezing Band for Holy Pally

    From what I've read, the proc on this thing is pretty amazing and it's got a healthy chunk of spellpower, but do you think it's worth it for a Holy Paladin? I'd like your thoughts. Thanks!! Kaanaa Silver Hand
  11. shadow priest

    Seconded Fuzzles is spot on. You have to kill their mana or have someone helping you, otherwise you'll have a hard time killing a priest. Shamans and other priests do a bit better due to dispels, and hunters, of course, have the OP Aimed Shot, but outside of that.. they take *forever* to kill...
  12. Stamina to AP equivalency

    This goes out to all Warriors, Ret Paladins, Rogues, Feral Druids and I suppose even hunters: I'm trying to get a better feel of how much Stamina is worth in comparison to Attack Power. I've already done all the testing, so I have my numbers on how Crit Rating, Agility, Strength, etc...
  13. Resilient Victory AND We Had It All Along *cough*

    Hey all! Myself and my fellow BG9 Alliance 39'ers just scored both the Resilient Victory and the We Had It All Along *cough* achievemnts, so I had to share it with you! As soon as I figure out how to upload an image, I'll post the screenshot. Very excited!
  14. Ret Cloak Question

    Cloak My bad, I was thinking off the enchant. ^.^ FIXT! And, yes, I noticed that quite a few mail-wearers had it on, I'm just a little cautious to overvalue Agility. Agility helps where you can't find Strength, of course, but I haven't been able to find an equivalency I like (i.e. 3...
  15. Ret Cloak Question

    Hello 39's! I'm in the process of completing my Ret Paladin set for 39's and I can't decide on which cloak to use (I'd like to decide before enchanting). I can't really find any cloaks that are above and beyond; what follows is the list of the best I've found: Scorpashi Cloak 2...
  16. A Fond Farewell

    All, I've decided to move up to either the 39's or the 49's, and just played my last Warsong Gulch before I level. To any of you on the Bloodlust Battlegroup that I've played with or against, I adore you all. It was certainly frustrating at times, but I enjoyed the hell out of it. Alas...
  17. Wondering Why :A Prot warrior's newcoming

    Cptheal, That was very unhelpful. Warplate obviously enjoys Prot's playstyle which is notably different from Arms, and wants tips on that. He wasn't asking "If I roll a 29 warrior, what tree should I use." Warplate: I'll try to find some of the good warriors in my...
  18. Twinks Are Dead

    No offense, but did you read my post? I don't and can't play during "busy times." Also, faction won't make a difference because 10 Horde and 10 Alliance twinks will have to queue up. It's a lot of twinks if each side has 50% twinks for my battlegroup when I play. Kaanaa Silver Hand
  19. Twinks Are Dead

    Unless you're part of a twinking guild. I'm an American, and I work pretty late due to my schedule. I chose to play on BG9 primarily because it's not only generally considered more competitive, but because it also hosts the largest number of Oceanic servers, meaning I actually get games when...
  20. Lifestealing vs. Crusader for FC's

    Strength and Block Yes, it increases the amount blocked (block value). Kaanaa Silver Hand