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  1. RBG - 70's

    lf us wintrades ;(
  2. 70 Monk

    Looking for stat weights for a Mistweaver monk. Haste, Crit, Spirit? What are we looking for? Obviously stacking resil in all sockets, however I'm looking more for base item stats. ie. Tranquil Moonlight Wraps vs. Leather Gauntlets of the Sun.
  3. Yet another Glaive Thread

    Congrats Nesy well earned. A friend and I will be running BT tonight for his thirtieth run aiming (much like you were) for his off-hand. 50 runs is insane, we'd heard about 30 was average although last night I met a 70 DK with three clears to his name with both glaives :( ! UPDATED: No off-hand...
  4. what are you guys doing while waiting for queues to bgs/arena etc??

    Farming ogres between queues :( On the plus side I think they've upped the drop rate on the warheads.. Been getting close to 75% chance drop rate!
  5. 2 Classes What To Pick?

    A friend and I have just began gearing a hunter and lock ourselves. It's refreshing to play a class that isn't invincible (we just restarted playing 70 again after running disc/rogue in Cata).
  6. 70's Armory Vault

    Decided to fix up the post to make it easier for everyone to read and for Wiggz to compile. I take no credit for any of the names on this page, I merely updated the layout. @Wiggz: Feel free to edit this into the thread main page, or tell me to bugger off if you don't wish to use it! :) DRUIDS...
  7. Meat 2

    God damnit Meat, now I have to roll a hunter because of that. Like I already don't have enough 70s to farm sets for already! That looked far to fun.
  8. 70's Armory Vault

    All the chardevs are out of date, and these will only show armories where people may or may not have their bis gear on.
  9. Should Nimtwo and Cyanerds come back to the bracket?

    Jicz why you logged out as resto while I'm tryna' inspect yo' boomy set :@
  10. What patch 5.2 means for 70's

    Atleast you out damage your healing. I swear 90% of the pally/s priests are the other way round.
  11. What patch 5.2 means for 70's

    I've had my priest for two years and by all means will not swap from it just because its Fotm ATM, however shadows boring so ill be sticking to disc. Haven't found to many issues when playing against prots/healer comps but can shadow/disc comps pls stop queuing. Especially the shitters that...
  12. Reroll 85? :)

    70 would be fine if the fotm shitters didn't start queuing double priest!