Search results

  1. Best ‘starter’ 19 twink?

    Shaman’s are very cheap on horde side. The only expensive BoE you will need is 3/3 leather bracers. 22 int, +4 stats, 2x100 hp librams will be about 500g.
  2. Shaman build

    Any class can FC as long as you can jump. As for your build - take a look at Screecher Belt, make sure you get jutebraid gloves even if you only want to FC. I would use the WSG dagger over face smasher for the added dps/armor/dodge/pushback.
  3. gnome or human mage

    Gnome for portable bronze mortar.
  4. Mage Talent Setup

    I currently have sub 700 hp (that’ll change after I get the fishing gear). I need the 1sec frostbolt to kite melee, can’t rely on frost armor.
  5. Mage Talent Setup

    I just made a mage and run a full fire damage build. I do 5/5 imp frost bolt and 5/5 imp fireball and it’s been good so far.
  6. New to 29's Class Question.

    If you go horde I would recommend shaman for a fun hybrid. I’ve seen locks do well in this bracket.
  7. 29 Twink Spriest

    Would a 0/20/0 smite spec do more dps than 0/2/18?
  8. Class Options

    Shamans are excellent. I play as 1H enh with spell power gear/wep enchant and I can solo any class and carry/return flags with the best of them.
  9. Questions

    I play enhance at 19. I prioritize Str/stam/int/SP equally and agility at 1/2. It’s very fun and definitely viable for solo que’ing. 2H with TCS isn’t very good. Skeletal club/stinging viper with 30 SP is your best bet with Deadskull Shield. Assassins with fiery for killing priests although it’s...
  10. Hey, I’m making a 29 sham on Herod named Frostband. I want to join your guild.

    Hey, I’m making a 29 sham on Herod named Frostband. I want to join your guild.
  11. Help me pick a shaman race

    I thought they did - I could be wrong as well.
  12. Help me pick a shaman race

    Female Tauren. If you’re worried about ally fence jumps use savory deviate delight.
  13. BIS Offense Shaman?

    If I could ask for 1 thing for shaman in this bracket it would be the healing focus talent.
  14. BIS Offense Shaman?

    Footpads of the fang vs. grizzled boots is 4 agi, 7 nature dmg vs 3 stam, 2 str. I see the argument for both. Evocator’s with spell power is a waste - use evo with int and switch out when the mana is gone. 30 SP provides great DPS and pairs well with high damage weapons. I would put fiery on an...
  15. BIS Offense Shaman?

    I currently use stinging viper with +30SP. I’ve tried fiery and life stealing and I believe +30 provides the best DPS and the healing makes it BiS. Take engineers cloak - use grizzled boots or footpads of the fang with leggings of the fang for the 2 piece bonus. I would also highly recommend...
  16. Selling GF'd 20 rogue

    He's BiS, I just figured those were the most prominent items he had
  17. Selling GF'd 20 rogue

    Selling 20 rogue alliance on The Underbog with Tunic of Westfall GF'd BiS Fenrus Hide GF'd Defias Belt Seal of Wrynn GF'd Shadowfang x1 Ring of Precision Foreman's Gloves looking for 500k gold on Aerie Peak message if interested
  18. Is the PvP trink BiS?

    I need advice, I just got 2nd AGM on my port war, should I use double AGM when holding flag in out base because most stuns and roots can be dispelled?