Search results

  1. So it's been awhile, what server should I go on for 19s?

    Title says it all, haven't made a 19 in forever, looking to make one, wanna know what server has the big community, thanks in advance :)
  2. Stockades rare drops?

    I did five runs really quick, got Blackfang - Item - World of Warcraft , and Demon Band - Item - World of Warcraft I'm just thinking someone got lucky.
  3. Most viable hunter spec?

    Thanks Lil, I'm also that guy who helped with the chest a month or two ago. Lol, but I went Surv so I'm fine :D
  4. Most viable hunter spec?

    I don't backpeddle and I keybind, don't I already beat like half the hunters on f2p?
  5. Most viable hunter spec?

    Thanks for the suggestion mate, def will try :) :cool::cool:
  6. Most viable hunter spec?

    Now that we don't have Intimidation the only thing BM is good for is the high hitting Kill Command but I'd like to think Survival's Explosive Shot does a nice bit of damage. I also don't think Marksmanship is really a answer for me at least.
  7. Lil Ragnaros pet from Main Account Broken!

    Re: Lil Ragnaros pet from Main Account ;_; sorry
  8. Summer kids are coming!

    I personally am excited for the population increase that comes with summer time, what's your opinions on the summer kids? >cata hunters
  9. Locks?

    with the hit cap fix I plan to at least try one, I think they're viable.
  10. Wizkids Stream!

    Re: Swagcleavic and Wizkidtwo streaming 3v3 will be tuning in when possible.
  11. The Best Hunter in your Opinion.

    best hunter, heheh, ehehehhehe.
  12. Retribution Paladin Damage?

    I think rets do enough damage to be viable to a team, and their offheals help.
  13. Bendandcough's Gear Scaling Guide / Index

    thanks BaC :D
  14. F2P "Ironman" Experiment

    10/10 would try
  15. Arena Server

    seems like a cool idea but I don't think it would last with ap's rep and size.
  16. Hey there, I go by Daileek

    I'm new here (sort of) and decided I'd make my first post. I am a F2P twink on AP my name is Daileek and I'm a troll huntard.