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  1. Heals vs Damage (Patch 5.3)

    And i had LEGIONS and LEGIONS of pirate one-eyed hunters burst me down in seconds just by mashing a few buttons It did not matter if he was skeying, for all the odds were stacked in his favor. His pet was critting nearly 1/6 my hp, he decied to throw all his CDs.... He does not need to farm...
  2. F2P PvE Challenges!

    Do timed gnomer runs crushing blow is a huge challenge, and so are the 8k hp trash mobs +you get loads of actually useful Silk Cloth - Item - World of Warcraft and you can fully impress your hatred for 24s(like isac/others) by having Hotshot Pilot's Gloves - Item - World of Warcraft or...
  3. Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

    alliance did NOT get farmed by me in the past few weeks
  4. Woodworking Gloves 20Gold!

    what i dont understand is why the fuk are they upgraded...pretty sure they used to be a d/e trash green when i ran deadmines ofc we cant predict our future or go back in time, how was i even suppose to know you needed to stock on this shit up for cata
  5. 19 Subtlety Rogue :)

    sub rogue no dagger? Also monkey belt can be used for max ap cuz its 6/6 not 5/5/5
  6. Peace

    Xbox has always been better then wow, even at its launch....idk, did you guys just find this out?Been like this for years..
  7. List ur favorite 24s US, not EU

    yeah man don't worry we are gonna do this soon in a more professional type style. All of our recruits he has on the ID are very familiar with every inch of the alliance GY. They all also either have of the Horde or the Bloodthirsty, Just waiting till things smooth out a bit irl. Our group will 3...
  8. Whats Talon of Vultros worth?

    hey sorry to bump the thread i recently found this Scythe Axe - Item - World of Warcraft in my guild bank i remember it being #1 hunter twink weapon but now since hunter buffsticks arent equippable what would it be worth?
  9. ArmA II / DayZ

    I got ARMA II...its a different game unlike call of duty takes some getting used to me and my buddies do custom missions on hard... favorite part is creating missions for me ,especially convoys with 1 team has to get theirs across point A to B while other has to prevent..we do lack people...
  10. Music thread for ure gaming ! when Im..well...uhh how to put this..cultivating the alliance respawn place thingy in wsg.
  11. Survival #1

    lvl 3 sentry
  12. Battleground Troll..

    wow i guess you guys havent seen me play alli haha i troll them so much
  13. Beating Gemmers

    Gemming is PERFECTLY viable, here are the reasons why first off, some of you missunderstand the defenition of oldschool "twinking", were you basically wanted to beat on the undergeared/bad players(f2ps?, as a analogy) second off, twinking is getting THE best gear possbile, be it through...
  14. Video Upload of the Battle for Southshore!

    It was fun sucks the p2p dk and lvl 90 guards were interferring
  15. The Battle for Southshore: Cross Realm WPvP Event

    the guards were needed for security to keep the alliance in check, this was one of the best wpvp events ive had in a while
  16. How NOT to build

    and i dont mean "building" twinks, i mean as of rl structures basically, My mother's shed side broke over the winter(i guess the elements/heavy moisture/lack of maintenance, i suppose). She invited me over this weekend to fix it up because it was standing there and exposing our...
  17. Your favourite console companies?

    xbox360 original xbox halo 2 best game to ever exist......i had that and wow as a christmas gift.. to those who didnt play Classic Live...lets just say you missed too much. i think i still remember every weapon spawn on Lockout/Coagulation. Yeah, i played it THAT much during my middleschool...
  18. List ur favorite 24s US, not EU

    Last thread was rather lacking content. Here is my version Paladin -ironman Druid-Pizza/Bärenjäger Monk-not sure Warrior-Maxell or Vahavta Priest-Siccness/Mother Warlock-Softlock/Kelthulzad Hunter-Bowflexx Rogue-Injury/Unity/Curlex/BudBundy Mage-Bigrelys Shaman-not sure ,just any that can purge...
  19. Alliance, how do you have fun.

    still holds true to this day
  20. Best in Slot 24/20 Rogue?

    dude if you are horde, you can gem...I see nothing wrong with horde characters gemming its legit.. alliance scum on the other any gemmers you see. Then again its always alliance bitching about gems because 99% of them have no idea how to do it resulting in only 3 allies in...