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  1. Duo Maxwell

    Shattered Halls/Balnazzar/Boulderfist/Laughing Skull Horde

    tryptozzar you orignally from balna?
  2. Duo Maxwell

    WOD 20-29 Hell yes

    Fuck in mists I leveld my 29 priest with deadmans, zealots robe & skullbreaker... Never level your twinks is what I say to others and tell myself, then I go and do it anyway.
  3. Duo Maxwell

    Fony's first videos

    I don't, but if anyone has WCM premium I think its possible to download them. Would be nice if someone could reupload them to youtube. Can't believe these videos are 7years old now.. "golden age" was along time ago.
  4. Duo Maxwell

    <Against All Odds> vs <Tough Love>

    Don't let TL win.. ego already over 9000
  5. Duo Maxwell

    Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

    I honestly think its just a lack of players in general . We've got me, hurrx, bubs and more people lose logging making sure games pop. I kinda wish 19s would die suddenly so we can go 20-24 faster.
  6. Duo Maxwell

    Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

    Indeed tons of afkers etc. Alliance need more atm. Edit : games full atm.
  7. Duo Maxwell

    Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

    first 2 games were terrible, there good now though.
  8. Duo Maxwell

    Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

    Horde team was just a bunch of randoms e.g 1k hunters etc. Where is the TL troll group when you need em.
  9. Duo Maxwell

    Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

    No wanker. Horde side needs 2 more!!!
  10. Duo Maxwell

    Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

    wsg up 6allie/7horde que que QUE 9/9 still
  11. Duo Maxwell

    Is this bracket good again?

    Go to lvl 20 or 24 bracket.
  12. Duo Maxwell

    Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    Such an achievement lol.Theres hardly enough players to get a wsg going but lets farm an achievement instead guise. How cool is it gunna be when half of the 30 players use the bloodthirsty title yo.
  13. Duo Maxwell

    19 eu alliance

    If only there wasn't a group of players in a certain guild that would do this..? Hmm can't think of anyone. Earlier in this thread TL said they all had alliance characters but they will not swap factions so thats out of the question. Both horde side (TL included) and alliance mass afk when they...
  14. Duo Maxwell

    19 eu alliance

    Gunna quote myself because you guys can't read. Me and yayu joined this game a few minutes in after people had afk'd I guess? Oh look no druids? Better contain them so they cannot ress ! Next game more gy farming geared players when we're not 10 people.
  15. Duo Maxwell

    19 eu alliance

    I don't know what games your talking about. But you GY farm regardless if its 4 druids or no druids.
  16. Duo Maxwell

    19 eu alliance

    Can't be a decent team if it gets GY farmed lol. When I've been in good alliance teams we win/lose and its been a good game. But as you said earlier Makaveli it would be bad if they GY farmed when the alliance team is undergeared or not at 10 players which is what they do regardless. No point...
  17. Duo Maxwell

    19 eu alliance

    I don't remember but maybe I did. I did not however farm GY repeatedly with half a guild behind me.
  18. Duo Maxwell

    19 eu alliance

    Yes back in TBC I did but that isnt relevant, everyone has probably GY farmed before, but repeatedly when there is a lack of players is beyond retarded. I didn't GY farm on my feral druid I was mainly trying to oneshot the EFC or mid zerg. I have no problems with you hurrx I don't see you GY...
  19. Duo Maxwell

    19 eu alliance

    I will spell it out for you. If you keep GY farming people will not que up. When people don't que up wsg does not pop. When WSG does not pop you will not have any games to win.
  20. Duo Maxwell

    19 eu alliance

    I agree its a legit tactic but it causes people to afk, with the low amount of alliance players your just shooting yourself in the foot. Why not use another tactic rather than one that labels yourself and your guild as you know.. gy farming scum? Not trying to insult you there but thats the...