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  1. Drop alchy and level mining.

    yeah deleted my post because i re-read :P
  2. Drop alchy and level mining.

    87.68% haste is hilarious for balance druids with witching hour and windsong proc
  3. Warlock gear?

    Jasper Ring of the Feverflare 164 stamina 109 int 73 haste 73 mastery vs Kibble 177 stamina 118 int 85 spirit 69 mastery -13 stamina -9 int +73 haste +4 mastery -85 spirit surely the jasper ring's extra haste and mastery (albeit minor) outweighs kibbles extra stam int...
  4. 80 DK twinking - Some thoughts, plans and showoff

    I guess but some people like to have BiS. Either way i'm sure all of us will get mop weps (not saying we'll use them) given the chance.
  5. 80 DK twinking - Some thoughts, plans and showoff

    Mop Gear -> Solo ulduar 10 -> Herald Gear -> Bank mop gear
  6. 80 DK twinking - Some thoughts, plans and showoff

    They'll open up some more solo-gear farming options which isnt a bad thing but using them in anything other than that wont feel right
  7. 80 DK twinking - Some thoughts, plans and showoff

    So assuming MoP weps go live and the 'exploit' doesnt get nerfed we should see it go down. Nice :)
  8. 80 DK twinking - Some thoughts, plans and showoff

    Gonna sound cliché as fuck but you've inspired me to make a 80 dk
  9. Professions

    Don't rule out herbalism, 2880 haste = 87.83% haste for 80s