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  1. Xrated's Level 10 twink thread of fun, facts trolls and goals.

    Imageshack - wowscrnshot082512091034.jpg Amazing game, good times :)
  2. Exploit Fixed?

    I've just been kicked from bgs twice ina row after dcing myself, anyone else having this happen?
  3. Great news, enter leveling bg with xp-off is back!

    Just got kicked 3 times in a row after DCing :(((
  4. Do you think 5.0.4 ruined the 10-14 bracket?

    Yay, thanks for this:)
  5. Do you think 5.0.4 ruined the 10-14 bracket?

    IMO it did - what do you guys think?
  6. Official Achievement Points Score Board: 10 - 14 bracket

    Use the guild function instead :)
  7. Official Achievement Points Score Board: 10 - 14 bracket

    The only way I think there is to see how many aps a individual account has is with the ingame guild achievement feature :)