Search results

  1. weirdowl

    Closest BG you'll ever see (not clickbait)

    oooh.. Time for me to get Fred back out of retirement :). I'll try to be around this weekend for the games!
  2. weirdowl

    EU+US How many quests have you done and how many items procced epic?

    Cleared every horde zone on my level 20 for a grand total of 4 Epics. Only 1 was useful.
  3. weirdowl

    10 stats gem? Help

    It's scales down. Don't waste your time. Pretty sure when I looked at it on my 89 it was +1 stats EDIT: Actually I was thinking of Sirens Tear....Scratch that lol
  4. weirdowl

    Almðnd-zuhuled Exploiting BGS

    People have been complaining about consumables in here as long as I can remember. If it's a random BG, then what do you expect? Make whatever rules you want in war games and kick people that don't act right. Trying to dictate to people how you would like for them to play will never work in...
  5. weirdowl

    Who's Sticking Around?

    Well, I am pretty sure my favorite bracket(80's) will die. I would rather have aids than play in the steaming sh1t pile 19's again. I will do like I did before and que and pray for 39's to pop. Maybe since we do have the community feature we can keep 39's going. After all, I do love even...
  6. weirdowl

    EU+US 80-89 Armory list 89 Marksmanship Huntard, NA
  7. weirdowl

    EU+US 39 lock?

    I am trying to think if there is a class that is worse than a lock @39 right now.... I didn't bother updating mine which I have played since vanilla. If you insist on playing your lock, do not solo que.
  8. weirdowl

    asmingold Is coming

    For those of you planning on queing up, join your toon to the 39 xpoff community. Link and password is a sticky in the 39 forum that Sun created.
  9. weirdowl

    asmingold Is coming

    This thread is comical. So far the majority of the twinks that I have came across from assgolds guild are TRASH. The levelers were doing better in some cases.
  10. weirdowl

    EU+US Green Dragonscale set (3/3) - is it working?

    Just wait until you go 4 clears in a row like I did and none drop.
  11. weirdowl

    US 49 Battletags

    49s! Share your battletags here. I generally play my disc priest Cyclops on BH Horde side. Mine is: Cyclopse#1795 Feel free to add me. Since im not in a guild, being able to join up with people already in que or have them join mine will be great.
  12. weirdowl

    Do people play 89s?

    Grabbed a couple epic boe items that use to require lvl 90 that I was able to upgrade with lesser charms of good fortune. I'm guessing that someone level 89 looted these for them to require 89 now? I have my ilvl up to 484 now.
  13. weirdowl

    Do people play 89s?

    Sorry I forgot all about your question. Below is a screen grab of my ipvp stats with my current gear.
  14. weirdowl

    Do people play 89s?

    I'm at work right now. I will take a look tonight when im back online and report back.
  15. weirdowl

    Do people play 89s?

    I have been leveling my hunter though the 80-89 bracket. After reading your post, I decided to lock him at 89 just to see what results I can get. There are a bunch of Draenor greens for each slot with an ilvl of 498 you can get off the AH cheap to boost your ilvl. Sitting at 464 ilvl right...
  16. weirdowl

    What do you do with Marks of Honor?

    Transmog pvp sets.
  17. weirdowl

    US 39's Armory List

    My 2 39's that I actually play. I always keep them as up to date as possible. (H)Cowfreak- Resto Druid - (H)Cyclops- Affliction Warlock - Thanks for the info...
  18. weirdowl

    US 39s are making a comeback.

    I play my 39's almost every night. There are usually a couple twinks on each side. I have gone against several 5 man alliance groups recently. if any 39's that want to group up, add my battletag: cyclopse#1795 Message me 39, 19, 29 or etc, to let me know which brackets you have toons in...
  19. weirdowl

    The One The, Only

    I scan about 20 different AH's for those and finally got a hit the other day under 10000g...: I had to have missed it by only a minute or two :(. You have new alerts! Gnomeregan Horde, Rule dd6e: 1 Shadowfang found, min buyout per item 250.5g
  20. weirdowl

    WTS Minthrust Bracers Velen Horde

    Very cheap. Have them currently on AH for only 280g. If anyone needs me to hold for them until they can pick them up, I will be happy to do so.