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  1. Rbg's in MOP

    atm on 1.8 without wintrading, we only have been up vs 1 wintrading team so far
  2. Rbg's in MOP

    I heard from some people ingame that rated battlegrounds will be removed from lvl 70 and from lvl 80. So i was wondering if this is true or not. My interest would be gone for twinking if it's true:( Thanks for any info.
  3. Queue rbg@s now

    You guys still in que or?
  4. Rated battleground que now!

    You know i made this post a week ago right? But what do you want anyways, you want to join the rbg group or que vs us?
  5. Rbg Sunday 20:00 12/08

  6. Rbg Sunday 20:00 12/08

    As the title says, we will be queing for RBG's on Sunday 12/08 so this sunday, at 20:00. Eu servers, alliance maelstrom.
  7. Looking for an Active and Pro Disc Priest to get atleast 2.2 in 2s and 3s.

    But iyeah maybe could work something out, give me your real id or skype name or something, so we can talk some things through
  8. Looking for an Active and Pro Disc Priest to get atleast 2.2 in 2s and 3s.

    It's not about the money, I got my own guild on server, so cba transferring
  9. Rated Battleground on Wednesday

  10. Need more 3s opponents

    Give it few days, we didnt play that much yet, but next time we play should be at 2k rating on 2.1k mmr now
  11. Rated Battleground on Wednesday

    We are trying to make a Rated bg group again on wednesday 08/08/12. We will que around 19:00. Alliance side Maelstrom. So hope some teams want to que also:)
  12. Rated battleground que now!

    Nah sorry mate, some people had to go, was good practice tho. But we kinda need some lower teams to start with.
  13. Rated battleground que now!

    good game, you guys queing more?
  14. Rated battleground que now!

    right now still in que mate
  15. Rated battleground que now!

    Maelstrom alliance, we are atm in que
  16. RBG Sunday 6th 17:30 Onwards

    Sorry but not everybody has vacation... We can try que a bit earlier but not possible between 17:30-19:00 most people go for dinner then. We queed at 21:00 last week had around 3 min que's.
  17. RBG Sunday 6th 17:30 Onwards

    What rating are you guys on? We will be joining from now on every sunday between 20:00-21:00, but just getting started so low rated.
  18. Sunday RBG

    Ye sorry for that, i agree the thread was not any good. Was in a hurry making it. The RBG is today at 20:30.
  19. Sunday RBG

    Well ok if that's the reason, i will make a proper tread next time-_-.