Sunday RBG


I'm gonna make a RBG group, we will probably lack some people. If you are up for joining On sunday 28/7 at 20:30, link your armory below.
Maybe add some experience from arena or RBG.

Maelstrom eu.
Come on guys, really nobody?
It's not a random group it's a guild run, but due to summer vacation we have some inactive people.

Atm in need of Rshaman/Hpala/Mage
Well the main reason that I did not post anything was first of all because it didnt say ally or horde (I know I am lasy but still). Second because I didnt know what day we were going... sunday is the 29/7...
Ye sorry for that, i agree the thread was not any good. Was in a hurry making it. The RBG is today at 20:30.

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