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  1. Congratulations Broken ! New Blood MVP from EU !!!!!

    Gratz Broken for the MVP title, and gratz to you visatorul for reaching 3065 achiv points. You rage a lot in bgs but you are a good player, are you in the army or something? :p.
  2. The Road Ahead...

    And i thought that all the 24s are bad guys.
  3. Int pally to Str pally

    Onyx Claymore now that's what i call a badass sword. You forgot Ring of Precision though.
  4. What scores matter to you? & Why?

    The most important thing is helping your team win, and the scores that matter are 3 capped flags or 1600 points for my team.
  5. What made you go Alli/Horde?

    Alliance because of the freaking eyepatch. :D
  6. No more shadowstep for rogues?

    With all this nerfing level 20 rogues will become just leather wearing warriors, removing our shadowstep and sprint...bad move blizz..:mad:
  7. EU+US Level 20 Resources

    re: Level Twenty Twinking - FAQ, Info and Guides Index This thread is amazing. Thank you for posting this, very useful information. :cool:
  8. Level 20 Resources (F2P)

    re: Level Twenty Twinking - FAQ, Info and Guides Index This thread is amazing. Thank you for posting this, very useful information. :cool: