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  1. Rate the twink above you.

    RC-ST how old are you mate :) ?
  2. EU 39 ele shammy twink looking for a home

    hi there guys im a 39 ele shammy twink looking to move realm to find a good/ or any :) twink guild if any of you guys know of any id be greatful of some info :) all the best cheers p.s im horde at the moment but would also consider a faction change :)
  3. revelosh gloves of fiery wrath

    update on hunt for revelosh shoulders of nature's wrath ok so today guess what dropped revelosh gloves of fiery wrath +17 grrrrrrrrr someday ill get my shoulders :) (i hope )
  4. How long did it take to get your Revelosh gloves?

    ok an update just finished my my 35th run and healing gloves +14 just dropped why couldn't u of been nature shoulders :( cry
  5. How long did it take to get your Revelosh gloves?

    it took me 25-30 runs to get gloves of healing + 15 so i was very happy now just need spaulders of natures wrath something tells me ill have to do a fair few more runs for these :(
  6. revelosh gloves of fiery wrath

    ok guys thanx for the replies,at the moment im building an ele shammy and the (of healing +15) gloves dropped for me was just making sure they hadn't changed the (of fire) to an all over spell power stat so all i need now to complete my set is the revelosh spaulders of natures wrath...
  7. revelosh gloves of fiery wrath

    Hi guys in the process of building my first twink. Ive been running everyones favourite instance uldaman. The thing is im wonering with the changes from healing to spellpower and with some shadow dmg, nature dmg, fire dmg items to all over spell power, The question is do...