revelosh gloves of fiery wrath

Hi guys in the process of building my first twink.

Ive been running everyones favourite instance uldaman.

The thing is im wonering with the changes from healing to spellpower

and with some shadow dmg, nature dmg, fire dmg items to all over spell power,

The question is do revelosh gloves of fiery wrath till drop ?

same question with revelosh spaulders of natures wrath

any help would be much appreciated
+sp or +____ wrath revelosh items are very rare. i see probably 90-95% of the revelosh drops as of the eagle/wolf/bear/random animal (etc).

i'm pretty sure revelosh's gloves of fiery wrath have the potential to drop. it might take awhile before you get them to drop, though.
Yeah they still drop. Just had a pair of 17 damage ones drop, finally..300+ runs. Now for the 19s....
Bukki said:
Yeah they still drop. Just had a pair of 17 damage ones drop, finally..300+ runs. Now for the 19s....

the pair that dropped for me were 19s.

sadly, my paladin has no use for them. i was there for eagle gloves. :(
ok guys thanx for the replies,at the moment im building an ele shammy and the (of healing +15) gloves dropped for me

was just making sure they hadn't changed the (of fire) to an all over spell power stat

so all i need now to complete my set is the revelosh spaulders of natures wrath

do u think its worth carrying on farming for them ?

it took me 25-30 runs for the of healing i think i was lucky though
da_don said:
so all i need now to complete my set is the revelosh spaulders of natures wrath

do u think its worth carrying on farming for them ?

that's a subjective question. it's all up to you.

personally i wouldn't do it. i've seen revelosh killed perhaps over 250 times and never seen any shoulders 'of _____ wrath' or 'of healing' drop.
got my natures wrath shoulders yesterday

and then stupidly tossed 20sp on the 8\8 eagle gloves instead of my 8\9's

i have the fiery wrath too even though i dont use em lol

and on my mage i have the healing gloves

so yes they all still drop

should have MY ele sham done today actually should have ~260 nature sp or so
update on hunt for revelosh shoulders of nature's wrath

ok so today guess what dropped revelosh gloves of fiery wrath +17


someday ill get my shoulders :) (i hope )
I had it drop for my hunter the first run I was running for Eagle/Monkey gloves.
Had TWO 19's drop. In.A.Row. Followed by 8/8 Falcon's. What type of luck is that? Still, after 90 runs, he refused to give me even 8/8 monkeys.

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