Search results

  1. Ranked BG's

    I strongly doubt that blizzard would ever waste any time to implement such a thing in the lower brackets (tl;dr: it's a pure coincidence)
  2. MOP rogues

    For me rogues is all about utility (and not crazy damage - if i want to mash buttons, and autowin i'll just go on my warrior). Losing some vital abilites like sprint and shs could (and should) really fuck up the class. I'll still try out all the specialisations and talents, though. (Shadow...
  3. QUESTIONS! Do you have a simple question? Ask it here!

    I'd like to receive some help; Suggest a strange/uncommon spec and class combination (example: lolsmite priests or 2h enchantment). The ideas you (potentially) come up with doesn't have to be a "viable" combination - I just have a urge to create a new char and is therefore in need of some...