MOP rogues


with the changes coming in MOP, could we see assassination being the new spec for rogues? With subterfuge and 120 energy, assassination rogues can double ambush, delivering the highest burst in the bracket. Couple that with an arcane torrent (if BE) and envenom afterwards, you got yourself a LOT of damage! Any thoughts on how it will really play out though?
at 10 energy per sec, sub rogues can still double ambush. Seeing as GCD is 1.5 sec, waiting 2 sec to get to the required 60 energy won't be too hard. Also, if sub, the first ambush mitigates 70% of the target's armor for the second ambush. So basically a prot pally/warr will have the armor of a mage for the 2nd ambush. Nelf sub rouges get an additional 2, (or a 3rd ambush and a 5 point eviscerate) but they have to wait 10 sec to get full energy again.
well but the really question is, how OP will NE rogue be?
stealth = 2ambushes
shadowmeld = 2ambushes
stealth + shadowmeld = 4 AMBUSHES
Looking over the changes I guess both will be really great specs and it will all come down to the personal playstyle of the rogue. I would choose Sub TBH and as nightelf i would obviously choose Shadow Focus combining it with Shadowmeld into Stealth into another Ambush which costs no energy = win.
For me rogues is all about utility (and not crazy damage - if i want to mash buttons, and autowin i'll just go on my warrior). Losing some vital abilites like sprint and shs could (and should) really fuck up the class.
I'll still try out all the specialisations and talents, though. (Shadow Focus combined with assassination is the most viable atm, according to me atleast).
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Rogues r a support class. It's not about killing blows or overall damage. It's about peeling off your FC and slowing efc and returning flags and interrupting and controlling enemy heals.
Rogues r a support class. It's not about killing blows or overall damage. It's about peeling off your FC and slowing efc and returning flags and interrupting and controlling enemy heals.
And that (to me) is what makes them fun, hence why I wont be playing one in mop.
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I will do like I did all the other expansions , learn to adjust and keep playing my rogue in MOP.

Still out of bubblegum & kicking ass


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