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  1. Can anyone give me a boost ?

    Hello ;) Just got back from a 6 month break off WoW, and so many changes, still catching up ! twinks are my main, since I dont want too devote too much time in a game for an 80, can someome help me out ? any twinks in Ruin, can help me get started in making a twink, I really want one. I just...
  2. No life??

    ohh mann, aha
  3. Ruin Activity Sparks

    I need to make a twink asap ! , sounds so much fun.
  4. BoA Items,

    I use to have twinks, and no 80's what so ever. as my main, since I am busy with school and such soo I just hop on my 19 twink when Im bored. Ive quitted for like 6 months, but anyways, If I dont have these BoA items ? will I be pretty much useless as a 19 twink? I heared they were nerfed...
  5. RAF Partner

    Heey guys ! Im looking to make a level 80 horde or alliance , in any server, I ll be making the new account , I am in Pacific Time Zone , We'll work out a schedule that is comfortable for both of us ! please let me know, ;) , I really want to make one bad , never had the time. Now is a good...
  6. Recruit - A - Friend

    Well iam no tsure Iam just looking for the person thats the most experienced xD I want to level asap.
  7. Recruit - A - Friend

    Do you have any twinks in Medivh Eurys ?
  8. Recruit - A - Friend

    Well I want to do Horde Medivh , because thats where everybody is at ! :) so whoever can still do it , simply reply again please :D
  9. Recruit - A - Friend

    Hey everybody , after a 4 month break I decided I want to get back into twinking , Alot has probably changed, because i remember quitting before this big twink patch was about to come, I didn't think I would play again , So I gave my account to my cousin, and since he is hooked on it , I hate...
  10. hmm..

    Hmm aight I'll try medivh later. Think I can add u ?
  11. hmm..

    Wow my spelling sucks aha iam on the iPhone guys my bad hope u guys can understand!
  12. hmm..

    I decided to break off wow 5 months ago due to school and such! I wanna get back into wow but my main will be a twink I know it's going to take helps of work by myself by I was just wondering if you guys know good twink servers that are active. And if any of u can give me a small helping hand...
  13. Good Servers ?

    aha all right, ill try that :)
  14. Good Servers ?

    iam not sure what to make atm, why do you ask :)
  15. Good Servers ?

    cool cool thanks phantom. i checked at WoW forums and they claimed. Twinking was pretty popular in Ruin Battlegroup. so iam working on a twink there right now ! :) yeep yeep. see you in the battle field !
  16. Good Servers ?

    I see, iam looking for US. how will i look for a good battlegroup ?
  17. Good Servers ?

    Hey guys iam basically in a slump right now , everyday even weekends. it takes about 15 min que, if iam lucky 10. and takes way too long. just wondering if any of you have 19 twinks that are quite popular in your servers. and wondering if you can help me out, dont worry , i'am not...
  18. 19 Druid twinks.

    thanks alot to everybody for the info ! just wondering ? at what level can i start grinding for rep. the Furbolg Pouch
  19. Level 19 Paladin Guide

    Awesome guide bro ! iam about to get started on this , right now ! :cool:
  20. 19 Druid twinks.

    Hey guys ! can someone help me out ? with a quick guide on getting the best stam gear for a druid, i want to make a 19 twink druid flag runner to mess around, and wondering if any of you have experience. and also. be able to pop a few heals on the team and for me. thanks guys :D