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  1. F2p warriors in the prepatch

    No we did av and i did record it. :D Just didnt put it in the vid.
  2. F2p warriors in the prepatch

    Read the sentence after that one. i dont find spamming rend and waiting for ms to be all that fun. I love my warrior to much to just not play it so for now i will suck it up. But that is my opinion on why warriors are not to great
  3. F2p warriors in the prepatch

    are you serious? pls tell me you're not joking... Yea you are... i just tried it.
  4. F2p warriors in the prepatch

    Lol is he really that good or is jungle the real problem?
  5. F2p warriors in the prepatch

    Hello, So warriors so far in the ptr patch 6.0.2 (prepatch) things are not looking to great. Altho the dmg is ok the ability pruning really left warriors, aswell as hunters with nothing to do! Heres ALL warrior damaging abilities : Rend, Mortalstrike, Thunder clap, and execute (I've only been...
  6. PTR games

    Hey guys! Today i will be streaming these ptr games so if you want to come hang out my stream is Twitch.
  7. How to do crazy dmg as a feral druid.

    I am new to twinkinfo and i dont know how to do that quote thing. @robert, Yes i played in cata.
  8. How to do crazy dmg as a feral druid.

    You guys can do what you like, Im just trying to help fellow ferals get to max dmg :) Try it guys it makes me shit myself when i see the dmg :D
  9. How to do crazy dmg as a feral druid.

    Most people say that feral is OP, they are OP if you know how to use them :).what you need to do is mangle ( shred if you want) > rake>mangle>savage roar> mangle>rake>mangle>mangle rake>tiger's fury>FB. with that combo you should reach dmg up to 700+. with this strat i have got a 1.4k FB many...
  10. Explosive Shot got another buff O.o

    woah rly? feral druids are OP? you cant be serious. i mean, at 20 there are many other classes mostly healers, (any class that can CAST a healling spell for that matter) that are 10x more OP then feral. :P :) :D
  11. Is skill necessary to excel in WoW?

    yes and no