F2p warriors in the prepatch

So warriors so far in the ptr patch 6.0.2 (prepatch) things are not looking to great. Altho the dmg is ok the ability pruning really left warriors, aswell as hunters with nothing to do! Heres ALL warrior damaging abilities : Rend, Mortalstrike, Thunder clap, and execute (I've only been able to use execute twice). Now hunters....MM, steady shot and aimed shot. for surv its only steady, explosive, and arcane. Bm is like Surv only replace explosive shot with kc. Now here is a video displaying F2p Arms Warriors in arena on the ptr as well as a bg we did in eots!


There are only 2 videos about f2p in wod that i know of, mine and some holy paladin showing healing as a holy pala. If there are any other videos about wod f2p i would like to see :D TY! Also to anyone that has been on the ptr what are some changes to your class that you like / dislike?
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check out fury! titans grip ftw
So it appears everyone gets the new character models by default?

Edit: Also, is av confirmed? Were there no pops for av or you just didn't record? Nice vid btw, probably won't be touching my war anymore :(
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So warriors so far in the ptr patch 6.0.2 (prepatch) things are not looking to great.

I have played quite a few arenas on the ptr already on my Warrior, and to be frank, I don't see that being the case at all.

In MoP, all Warriors do is spam their Mortal Strike, then dump their rage on someone for absurd consistent single target damage, and if you can't get on targets, you are near useless.

Currently, what I am seeing in WoD, is that ability usage, for Warriors, is actually... important. When you apply your AoE slow, when you apply your MS (in WoD it costs 20 rage, rather than generating rage) and being able to manage your burst and spread with Rend.

For 3v3s atm, Warriors are INCREDIBLY strong. Rend up on three targets (Not including pets, which can be killed with one application of Rend and an auto attack) deals incredible damage, and the burst from the final tick on Rend means your team can swap to anyone who has a Rend ticking down.

All in all, I am really looking forward to playing my Warrior in skirmishes in WoD, especially now that Strength actually does things for them...
So it appears everyone gets the new character models by default?

Edit: Also, is av confirmed? Were there no pops for av or you just didn't record? :(
No we did av and i did record it. :D Just didnt put it in the vid.
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As a healer, I am a bit worried about rend if warriors become the next flavor. Rend may even be stackable. Trying to get players to stay close to you and not run off in every direction is like herding cats.

As someone who has done 100's on F2P arenas in MoP, I honestly really like the changes to Warriors.

At facevalue, they can seem to have lost a lot of their appeal from MoP. But frankly, everything they have received causes them to be just as strong as before, if not stronger.

First and foremost, they lost slam. And that is a big loss to start the expansion off with - but in MoP Arms was a very linear Rage-build -> Rage-dump class. It was "easy" (I hate that word when it is applied to a few-button class; it's usually very presumptuous and inaccurate) in that tunneling was encouraged due to low CC + high single target burst. In short, they had big numbers but no real depth.

As of now, Arms warriors are the strongest DoT class on the PTR. Rend is an absolute god-send. Now let's not get too far ahead of ourselves - Arms hasn't actually gained a net total of any new abilities (+Rend, -Slam). That being said, the amount of complexity a single ability can bring to WoW is evident in Rend. Knowing when to spread liberally or when to put on only front-line targets, when to apply it so as to maximize the "finale", and many other applications (Disorient cc awareness, hard-swaps w/ finale) adds quite a bit of lacking depth to the class.

Now this doesn't even touch on three of the other very high skill ceiling Arms mechanics (Tclap usage, MS application, Rage maintenance for Execute), all of which gained newer, deeper complexities in WoD. To put it short, the class has depth now.

As a side note, Execute is now /instant/, instead of having server delay when the target dips below 20%. The faster and better aware the Arms Warrior, the better results from Execute.

~Bop of Mok'nathal

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