Search results

  1. Most skilled players of each Class 5.2 [EU]

    lol I made someones list :)
  2. Mertze /bye

    with you and celestys quiting does this finally mean i might be top healer in bg's,
  3. Nevmind PvP Movies

    Loved it mate, wished i'd have been at Guru when you killed Doped that was just funny
  4. New MoP Undead Racial?

    in this bracket 100 extra damage can make a big differance, and since its passive and triggered by any damage dotting mutliple targets should mean this procs a lot for me
  5. New MoP Undead Racial?

    Glad my new lock and warrior are both undead
  6. The new standard in head BIS

    I know a few dics priests and locks that use Keeshan's Bandanna, they seem to think its viable untill they get lfh
  7. F2P Healing record?

    Gratz Mertse, nice to see absorbs inc on your recount, gives it a truer picture of how well you did, and nice you didn't have to get any locks to help boost it with lifetap
  8. Congratulations Broken ! New Blood MVP from EU !!!!!

    Only just logged and saw this Gratz broken