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  1. Consilidated Thread "Whatcha Doing?"

    Alright I'm extremely torn on what I should make. Having never played horde before I'll be starting from scratch. So I figure new server and new faction, might as well play a new class. I'm thinking a priest or hunter. I can't make up my mind about what bracket either. I'm thinking 19's...
  2. best 3's team & @lolbandage

    Ret Pally for sure.
  3. 69 Pally Gear?

    i have a spreadsheet i made for a 69 holydin i'm currently making. is there a file upload feature on here?
  4. 39 Rogue Guide

    So Glyph of Hemo is a no go? **EDIT: I'm nub, figured it out...thanks
  5. Mallet of Zul'Farrak Sheathing

    Cliche throw up that link so Keelyoo can confirm it. I want to know his wtfscreenhax :D
  6. Magic Dust Nerf

    As of patch 3.1, 2091 now has a 10 second PvP duration. Sad day... Source:
  7. 30Stam 15 res still work?

    It has always said that. The fact of the matter is BoA is simply that, won't become soulbound...
  8. Trinket Question

    I'm what some may call a trinket whore. I love the things and try to get my hands on as many as I can. For that reason, I use Trinket Menu. It allows for quick swap outs through clicks, timing, priorities etc. Check out that mod, quite useful.
  9. 30Stam 15 res still work?

    put it on some shoulders yesterday, so yes still works (whoo my first post! lol)