Consilidated Thread "Whatcha Doing?"

Hey, I plan on rolling a DK to help fund for almost all of my gear. Also, I will most likely be rolling a 19 priest for the guild.
TwinkorDie said:
im just about done with my 19 orc warlock, should mostly finish him today. hes on blackrock but ill transfer him over when hes done (1.1khp 124ish sp orc trinketed to 160ish) who do i contact for ginvite when hes done?

Currently I believe only Drayner and Mazurati have the rights to invite, I believe Drayner is expanding that tonight.
Twinkytoes said:
Are you in the guild?!?! :D

Yes I am, I'm putting everything I have left into this guild. I quit raiding and really don't like Shadowburn anymore so I'm looking for a fresh start :).
The guild currently only has 2 19's, 1 of which is Drayner. lawl.

I may transfer over my 16.
Just made a DK, i'll probably roll a rogue or something for ease of getting gear/I've never played one at 19 before. if this thing really takes off i may Xfer my FC druid if all goes well.
Transferring as I type.

I am bring over a 19 Mage and a 70 Rogue. I just got back into the swing of things so I need to upgrade to WoTLK still, thus my mage has no BoA gear.

I will also be bringing a few basic enchant scrolls (7 stam to sheild and stuff like that) since I just took on leveling enchanting.
Alright I'm extremely torn on what I should make. Having never played horde before I'll be starting from scratch. So I figure new server and new faction, might as well play a new class. I'm thinking a priest or hunter.

I can't make up my mind about what bracket either. I'm thinking 19's because it seems like that will be where the majority of the guild members will be and tbh I've never played 19's (EVER!)...always been a 39 guy.

Is there any specific need for either of those classes? Or any need for any specific class at all? In any bracket? I'm open to suggestions and really down to make any class. Let me know.
I've finally decided. I'm going to farm some BoAs and transfer over a 19 Sham so I can rock all of you in 2s w/ Duckhunt :cool:

Tauren Sham + Belf Hunter = faceroll

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