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  1. what level to start watching xp

    The level at which you should be worrying about your exp is very much both class and faction specific. A lot depends on the amount of quests/quest chains you need to complete for your class/faction and also which dungeon gear you may need for your class. It's best to start any quests as soon as...
  2. Rogue enchant +8 agi or +100 hp?

    If you solo queue a lot I'd go with +100 hp on both
  3. Naxx shoulder enchants

    Yep, but for whatever reason Naxx enchants did not.
  4. Lock or Priest?

    Hello 29 community, First off, I recently came back to classic and WoW in general as I miss the old twinking days (haven't played seriously since Cata). I'm wondering if there is anything new I need to learn (other than relearning jumps)? Also are there any popular twink discords or are the...
  5. Why cant we post private server screenshots?

    Hopefully one day the private server section will flourish again, and we shall see the return of Hamcakeland.
  6. Ally specific cloth items

    Only item that I can think of for casters that may come in handy are Hovel Digger bands from Alliance side. But pick up any possible transmog options you'd want.
  7. 2H or x2 1H for WW monk?

    I don't have a 99 WW so I can't say with 100% certainty but I believe that using 2H is better. I have also seen most WW monks using 2H so I'd assume that it is the smarter choice. Hope this helps.
  8. ROP on pure f2p rogue just now!

    Congratulations, definitely a low drop so pretty lucky there. You should add a picture before you get all of the "pic or didn't happen" responses.
  9. Good active realm for Alliance or Horde Veterans/F2Ps?

    Aerie Peak and Bleeding Hallow reign supreme for F2p and Vet, or at least that is my experience. Horde racials are far better than Alliance's but don't let that deter you from being Alliance. As for classes roll whatever you find most fun and that you are the most confident with, the bracket...
  10. should i go horde with my priest

    Are you the next Johneffer?
  11. Climate Change (real or hoax?)

    I blame you for all our natural resource problems, your many many characters are using them all up. On a real note: I don't know if climate change is a real issue or not, the data would suggest it's definitely a possibility. But I do believe that as humans we need to change our pattern of life...
  12. Climate Change (real or hoax?)

    I personally believe that it is a real thing. And whether it's real or not it's not bad for us humans to take care of the world we live upon, and take care of it for its other inhabitants (animals).
  13. Climate Change (fact or hoax?)

    I personally believe that it is a real thing. And whether it's real or not it's not bad for us humans to take care of the world we live upon, and take care of it for its other inhabitants (animals).
  14. What are your Netflix Recommendations?

    Bubbles is the shit
  15. Doobyg's vet gear freak a.k.a. How to gear a druid

    For extra swag points you should fish up Old Crafty ;)
  16. Guess I gotta do it.

    While fotm gets annoying the problem with twink brackets comes when people make a premade knowing full well that the other team will likely be undergeared. I personally just don't see the fun in farming the other team. But I guess to each their own.
  17. RNG of the day - Fun thread

    Don't have proof of it any longer so not exactly expecting people to believe it but I shall continue.. came back to WoW about month ago after hiatus since MoP. I saw on twinkinfo that the once gf'ed gloom now dropped again so I decided to run SFK not expecting anything but linen and wool cloth...
  18. Magicbob Fire Mage PvP

    Nice vid and good choices in music for the most part. Keep up the good work!
  19. Need Help with Twink

    I haven't messed with 10s in a long time so don't quote me on my advise. But in my experience no don't use ToV off-hand. As for stamina enchants it is completely personal preference, just mess around with different builds and figure out which appeals to you. As for faction changing for items...
  20. Level 1 Worgen twinks with "Two forms" and "Darkflight" are now Grandfathered

    Well that kinda sucks, about a month ago I deleted like 5 lvl 1 worgens. Oh well.