Search results

  1. Fury Warrior or Mage? 90-99

    going to boost either a warrior or mage. What will give me the most bang for my buck? I want to be a juggernaut that runs around one shotting people. I am going to level in skirms and bg's then turn my exp off at 99 and full twink out. Also do pve 2 sets work in bgs? Thanks <3 Also me and my...
  2. priest mage 2s stream

  3. icc 10h now need a couple ppl.

    Hi im doing a fun icc 10 h with my bud dk hpala and we could use one or two more dps ( at 80) to come help us and have some fun. planning to full clear at putricide now. add fabled#1181 and well get you in!
  4. 80 warrior?

    thanks for the input :) On another note, does anyone with some knowledge about that bracket have anytime to vent up with me and answer some question? If so plx jump on 49147 im looking for someone who knows about pve and pvp :) thanks for your time guys :)
  5. 80 warrior?

    Can 80 prot warriors get unhittable and are they able to solo at all? aswell is prot warrior dmg comparable to the other tanks? thx for any input
  6. 85 warriors?

    yea im also twirling around the idea of an spriest
  7. 85 warriors?

    how are warriors doing in this bracket in terms or survivability? are they really good like 90 or just lack lustre. and in terms or arena what are people finding to be the most fun class to play in terms or well rounded dmg and survivability? Thanks for any input :)
  8. icc 10h alliance

    Gauging interest in an all 80 icc run tonight. At about 8 6pm pst.
  9. What to twink for this bracket? ( 80-84)( or 85?)

    Much appreciated response :) spriest or mage D:
  10. What to twink for this bracket? ( 80-84)( or 85?)

    Im about to dump a ton of time into a twink for this bracket. I have available to me a 84 boomkin, 85 boomkin in full cata pvp gear with legendary and heroic DS trinkets, 80 spriest, or 80 mage. Im interested in doing arena, but would also be down to just smash bgs for something to do in my...
  11. shitty 70 3s dk mage priest
  12. Warriors after MoP

    Prot warrior twink 70. MOP beta ( big executes as prot) - YouTube doesnt show much for pvp but the self heals are much much better :P aswell and they are way more mobile and offer quite a few more ways to keep your targets locked down in all specs :P
  13. us 70s queue 3s plz

  14. 70 DK , ur shitting me? HEROCLASS /cutt

    vid seems pointless. It doesnt really show anything. just a bunh of really shitty 85s
  15. Insane disc priest montage

    why didnt you go dk and cc the paly... seems like it would have been much much easier lol. If you catch that paly in a fear mind control and ur fiend is on the dk they would be screwed.
  16. US - 70 - RBG Wintrading for mounts/titles - 2400~

    I would love to join. Horde mage. Aspiring @ Area 52 - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
  17. enginering RAWR!

    I probs am the biggest shitter and will take any crutch out there to gain an advantage to compensate for my lack of skill :)
  18. enginering RAWR!

    another 5k gold and 2 hrs of my life bites the dust
  19. enginering RAWR!

    I got tazik on my shammy the first time which was awesome! but no such luck with the mage :(! Im defs not gunna give up. Im on Area 52 Us tho which is huge for horde. So im gunna have to make extreme use of the neutral AH to get the mats i need which is going to be such a pain!
  20. enginering RAWR!

    haha good point. Blizz is putting me thru ALOT of pain.