80 warrior?


Can 80 prot warriors get unhittable and are they able to solo at all? aswell is prot warrior dmg comparable to the other tanks?

thx for any input
for 80 content yeah and some of the physical ONLY bosses from cata, but your still limited to the stuff you do, magic damage will kill you, second wind's hps is too low for our HP pool and you have no access to any other source of healing which is worthwhile, your damage output is pretty pitiful since the new vengeance "fix", go Fury instead a lot easier to hit the avoidance cap and you can do 60-70k dps too :3, pala & dk has it easier if you want to solo.
thanks for the input :)

On another note, does anyone with some knowledge about that bracket have anytime to vent up with me and answer some question? If so plx jump on gold.typefrag.com 49147 im looking for someone who knows about pve and pvp :) thanks for your time guys :)

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