enginering RAWR!


just lvled it 4 times as horde and didnt get anything useable. Went gnome and ended up getting the other 2 non useable ones!! RAWRAWRAWR. I think its time to give up
Got Tazik first try as human 8D Kind of Wished for Synapse, it'd be so lovely to have on a rogue.

Though, I've lvled engineering six times/on six other twinks with one being gnome and only 'useful' tinker I've gotten on those was the Healing injector.
Gnome mage: synapce and tazik first time
Gnome rogue: synapce and healing injector first time
Gnome dk: synapce and healing injector first time
I got tazik on my shammy the first time which was awesome! but no such luck with the mage :(! Im defs not gunna give up. Im on Area 52 Us tho which is huge for horde. So im gunna have to make extreme use of the neutral AH to get the mats i need which is going to be such a pain!
I take my hat off to all those non gnomes relvling engineering over and over again. I always lvl it once just to get the rocket boosts and WotLK tinkers. And if I don't proc any useful Cata tinkers I'll leave it to that.
:) I gave it uhm 10 tries on my mage/dk only got tazik on the dk, everything else failed. Never bothered with engi on my hunter or sham. It would probably be better for both, but I just do not need engi on my hunter I cope fine without it. And with the shammy I just planned to go max resi/stam for luls.
It's really depressing to see all of these people that Need to relevel engineering over and over again to crutch on taziks and synapses. Synapse is understandable since you still need to set up a kill to get the most out of them. It takes a true shitter to relevel engineering multiple times hoping for a tazik
I probs am the biggest shitter and will take any crutch out there to gain an advantage to compensate for my lack of skill :)
Meh, I've only leveled it once.. Got the shittiest tinker possible and raged for about 5 minutes, still haven't bothered releveling it, still using the 240 haste on gloves. >.< However, I'm easily pushing out 8-9k ambushes without synapse, I do believe the damage with synapse would be absolutely retarded..
I'm pretty bad at relevelling engineering...

10k each relevel
Leveled engineering 29 times.

Cost me 3.5-8k per re-level.

Still no synapse.

And people wonder why i haven't bought a chopper/mammoth.

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