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  1. Game changers?

    y did everyone forget me XD jks
  2. Game changers?

    Srsly Kitn?? Go Citrium FTW xD
  3. WOW alliance is slacking off today hordes been winning all day :(

    Hehehehe i am not going to quit 19s cause some random troll knows that I dont know many old people who have played wow for 5 years XD and thanks for the support. Snèaky
  4. WOW alliance is slacking off today hordes been winning all day :(

    Just wondering Celmer as you try to make me look bad dont you think back to yourself and say WOW i have been playing wow for like 3years + dont you think thats a bit sad?
  5. WOW alliance is slacking off today hordes been winning all day :(

    HEHEHE XD love this guy jks XD so what i dont know many people i started when cata came out
  6. Bashful Is a Dickhead

    Bashful the Hunter on Elune is a dickhead. Any comments
  7. WOW alliance is slacking off today hordes been winning all day :(

    Come on Alliance wouldn't u think the king on SW would want you to win? o.O
  8. Anyone know if male or female worgens can make the horde fence jump?

    I have choosen....... Female. XD its more safer.
  9. Shadowfang Insight.

    How is this even possible the Wailing Guardsman dont even have a % of drop to be 0 there is only an extremely small chance that it would drop.
  10. wtb shadowfang will transfer post price

    lol dude no one has one they are so rare.

    Female is more agile as they say. But male looks way better. I need to choose. This is so hard too XD. Type 'Male' or 'Female' to vote.
  12. goodbye 19s

    Don't leave Cloud we all love you. Alot of people quit when Cata came so don't leave XDXDXD.
  13. Which is better? Worgen male or female?

    I just want to know if anyone really knows and there's proof that Worgen females do jumps better then males.
  14. Which is better? Worgen male or female?

    They say the female Worgen is more agile. While the Male looks way better. I want to know if the it is more agile and its true. Someone help me XD.
  15. US <Skill Ratio> - Bleeding Hollow (H) Recruitment

  16. character transfer "queued"

    ummm dont worry its been 20 hours right? it should be done now. just enter the toons
  17. Beau's 19 Hunter Guide

    This was an awesome guide that helped me a lot with my gear and skill. Thanks Beau.