Search results

  1. Healzilla

    Haste stacking viable for Fury Warriors?

    I just need more crusader procs, its the only time a fury warrior can actually do damage
  2. Healzilla

    Haste stacking viable for Fury Warriors?

    I'm just wondering how viable haste stacking is for Fury warriors. Faster attack speed mean more hits which means faster rage regeneration, meaning being able to wild strike more often. Also increases the chance for crusader to proc. I just don't know how viable it is compared to stacking other...
  3. Healzilla

    Lilcassidy - Lvl 19 Twink Arena Minitage [HD] [Video]

    Says it is blocked in my country o_0
  4. Healzilla

    Why dont guild leaders respond to PMs?

    make a lot of snarky comments on TI and people will bend over for you.
  5. Healzilla

    World of Zenon - Feral Druid Lilcassidy Commentary [MoP Changes]

    I will find a way to do regular 2k FB, do not worry :P
  6. Healzilla

    waw tawent people read this (not a flame thread)

    ATM games are just facerolls or WT premades, ill see you guys in MOP
  7. Healzilla

    MoP Warriors/ Druids

    very informative, you should make some vids and post them!
  8. Healzilla

    19 Hpal vs 19 hunter can't decide

    WTF? horde always have a shortage of healers, i havent seen 1 horde group in months without a healer.
  9. Healzilla

    Bg's Tonight

    Yeah, you need a lock to rain of fire the GY to catch those stealthys right?
  10. Healzilla

    Sax twink listxo

    hmm, thought i killed you enough to leave my name engrained in your head saxx, guess i gotta kill you more : /
  11. Healzilla

    Grandfathered Gear/Enchants ?

    the 8 agil 8 dodge cloak enchant is now better, since i believe agility also increases your dodge
  12. Healzilla

    Horde Druid Spec/Role Question.

    Yes, make a feral and do as much burst as Healzilla.
  13. Healzilla

    How to play balance at 19?

  14. Healzilla

    Bg's Tonight

    i was just in a BG where all 10 horde AFKs out
  15. Healzilla

    player made to throw games

    i had the same exact convo with someone tonight and he told me to fuck a rabbit : /
  16. Healzilla

    What are you doing to prepare for MoP?

    i have been farming rare pets to sell when mop drops, the pet battle system will make them very desirable.
  17. Healzilla

    Any 19 guild on Gorefiend

    make one and get some people interested, that is how twinking grows
  18. Healzilla

    I <3 When this happens :)

    <----- Jealous, best ive sniped was a pair of mindthrust bracers for 200g
  19. Healzilla

    New to Twinking (Hunter)

    was about to say the same thing.
  20. Healzilla

    Best 19 class to watch in a video?

    I did a write in, and if hes already made a feral druid vid, i would LOVE to see it.