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  1. Alternatives to BoAs for a Caster?

    Was just wondering what alternatives there are for caster gear in the 24 bracket alliance side? Looking for wep/shoulders/chest/legs/cape/helm. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers BSurv
  2. 39's que November 28 9pm est

    I will be queing!
  3. Que times

    Shit, are 24s that active? And are there any classes i should stay away from? I'm thinking warlock/shaman/paladin at the moment? What specs are viable for these?
  4. Que times

    Just curious is this bracket active at the moment? Wouldn't mind rolling something that isn't in the 19 bracket.
  5. Currently listening to... - Part 3!

    Lana Del Ray, she the Jam at the moment!
  6. The Walking Dead

    Such a good episode! So legit!
  7. Installing WoW

    I currently have no WoW game installed on my computer and i only have wrath of lich king linked to my account. I'm trying to download the game but it is taking forever, i was wondering if i went and brought catacylsm from the store and stalled via the cd would that be faster? or do i also need...
  8. 39 Druid

    It has being awhile since i was last in the 39 twink scene (back just when cata hit) and was wondering if anyone has a BiS resto and balance druid they could link me? i want to update my toons gear. would link it here but i do not have anytime on the account. And one last questions, what is the...
  9. 39 Balance FC Druid

    agreed, i personally love FC'ing while im resto spec, an instant healing touch can be a game breaker and also having furor helps out heaps for stunning those nasty rogues on ur back while ur running towards ur base
  10. 39 Balance FC Druid

    ummm ok, i was just going off how much the first point into it gave and multiplied it by 3
  11. 39 Balance FC Druid

    im thinking you might be mistaken with the talent in the resto tree that makes 30% of ur normal OOC mp5 into pm5 during combat because dreamstate only gives 12% of ur intellect as mp5 in combat
  12. 39 Mage Gear

    umm depends, the healing gives 14 ish maybe more spell power and 10 stam, while fire gloves just give 20 fire damage, depends how your going, if ur going glass cannon then of fire gloves if you want more survive some revo gloves could be better
  13. Hello!

    you could also get maybe +15 to a pair of gloves or somthing, rogues arnt really my thing
  14. 39 Mage Gear

    well, id first start the revelosh grind for "of the eagle" gloves and also the "of healing" ones. maybe the chest from RFD that has 13 stam 10 int and 14 crit rating. Get pulsating crystalline necklace (quest reawrd), bloodband bracers, and i cant remember if theres anything else you need but im...
  15. 39 Balance FC Druid

    at this level i dont really think a druid needs to be running around with dreamstate seeing as you wont really take full use of not sure how much int you will running around with but i just think the 3 points could be spent in other areas in natures focus, thats where i tend to...