39 Balance FC Druid

think it'll work?

spec: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=0VGcubI0hb

i'd get mainly stamina gear, with spell power and int where i can through eagle

benefits: mana regen, increased hot length and effectiveness, extra crit stuff for regrowth/healing touch, extra range on moonfire against aspect of the cheetah
at this level i dont really think a druid needs to be running around with dreamstate seeing as you wont really take full use of it...im not sure how much int you will running around with but i just think the 3 points could be spent in other areas ...like in natures focus, thats where i tend to put my few left over points

and brambles..always thought about putting points in there but never have, i can see it been good in the fact that if you have a rogue beating on you, all you do is get MF and IS on the rogue and he can almost kill himself if you can keep urself up long enough
Bsurv/Lockinggood said:
at this level i dont really think a druid needs to be running around with dreamstate seeing as you wont really take full use of it...im not sure how much int you will running around with but i just think the 3 points could be spent in other areas ...like in natures focus, thats where i tend to put my few left over points

no, dreamstate, from what i see, increases mana regen by 30% of int. my int should be around 100, so that's 30 mana/5, all the time. for me, that's pretty useful.

i don't cast many spells as a druid unless i have noone on me, so nature's focus isn't exactly my style. it does look like a good talent, but i think for me dreamstate would be better.

and thanks natural, i didn't notice insect swarm decreases hit. i might take one point out of nature's reach or celestial focus for that.

this whole thing really is just speculation though, i'm probably going to wind up going 0/30/0, mainly because of the cat form speed increase. cat form speed works indoors and it can track humanoids.

of course, you never know :)
Given any thought to your gearset?

I was thinking...

head: green lens of healing (or of the eagle), +8stam

neck: pulsating crystal shard

shoulders: revelosh of the eagle

back: battle healer's

chest: huntsman of the eagle, +6 stats

wrist: tracker's wrists of healing, +12 stam

hands: bonefingers (or revelosh of the eagle), +20sp

waist: deathmage sash

legs: wolf rider's of the eagle, +35sp, +20stam

feet: tracker's of the eagle, +12stam

finger: underworld x 2

weapon: staff of jordan, +40sp

Finding the right balance between sp and stam/int could be tricky.
Druiddroid said:
no, dreamstate, from what i see, increases mana regen by 30% of int. my int should be around 100, so that's 30 mana/5, all the time. for me, that's pretty useful.

i don't cast many spells as a druid unless i have noone on me, so nature's focus isn't exactly my style. it does look like a good talent, but i think for me dreamstate would be better.

and thanks natural, i didn't notice insect swarm decreases hit. i might take one point out of nature's reach or celestial focus for that.

this whole thing really is just speculation though, i'm probably going to wind up going 0/30/0, mainly because of the cat form speed increase. cat form speed works indoors and it can track humanoids.

of course, you never know :)

im thinking you might be mistaken with the talent in the resto tree that makes 30% of ur normal OOC mp5 into pm5 during combat because dreamstate only gives 12% of ur intellect as mp5 in combat
i dont think balance comes close to comparing to resto/feral. feral charge and ns are invaluable, whereas nothing really sticks out in balance
Powerglove said:
i dont think balance comes close to comparing to resto/feral. feral charge and ns are invaluable, whereas nothing really sticks out in balance

agreed, i personally love FC'ing while im resto spec, an instant healing touch can be a game breaker and also having furor helps out heaps for stunning those nasty rogues on ur back while ur running towards ur base
Powerglove said:
i dont think balance comes close to comparing to resto/feral. feral charge and ns are invaluable, whereas nothing really sticks out in balance

Agreed. Druiddroid, am I correct in thinking the idea here is to be functional as one while also being able to switch to dps, perhaps for pugs? Seems more like the gear is the key in this case, while maybe picking up the occasional useful talent.
Bsurv/Lockinggood said:
agreed, i personally love FC'ing while im resto spec, an instant healing touch can be a game breaker and also having furor helps out heaps for stunning those nasty rogues on ur back while ur running towards ur base

that or instant roots =D
Jadyn said:
Druiddroid, am I correct in thinking the idea here is to be functional as one while also being able to switch to dps, perhaps for pugs?

no, just trying out new stuff and speculating. i rarely dps if ever, since i suck at it and don't care for it. just seeing how people would think of this sort of FC build

it's how i made my arcane FC mage, and it worked :D

i still think i'm going to try feral or resto though, with all of the negative responses towards doing a balance FC. after reexamining the resto tree it seems that it would be the best alternate way to go for something other than feral.

thanks for all your input :)

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