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  1. Zany

    GF'ed hunter - question

    Thanks for the reply. That sorts it out :)
  2. Zany

    GF'ed hunter - question

    Hey all! I'm a bit perplexed. Looking through my account I came across an old specced BM hunter. What baffles me is his skillset. I thought a specced lvl 1 BM hunter had acces to Kill Command, but lo and behold in this particular case Kill Shot is in the skill pane. Am I wrong in my...
  3. Zany

    10-19 11 Fury ready to tank in less than an hour

    Gawd! I thought I had my FOMO on a leash...
  4. Zany

    EU US and EU - !! Good news everyone !! - Legacy Thirty is recruiting all 30's

    Sounds fun! I'd be interested EU. Joined your discord a while back. I'll slap together a resto shaman tomorrow. Got some tokens and marks stuffed in the bank that should get me off to a decent start. Hope you'll have me. Goblins are welcomed, right?
  5. Zany

    LifeStealing for f2p

    And, for anyone still working on this, I can now confirm that you do indeed need the 5 x Essence of Undeath and 3 x Dark Runes to repair the Inert Spectral Essence. I removed all mats from bank and inventory and I couldn't repair it.
  6. Zany

    LifeStealing for f2p

    @Lethys Good catch. I missed that one. Still wondering if it's true though? Could also be that whoever posted the above had the reagents in their reagent bank tab and it was pulled from there without them noticing.
  7. Zany

    LifeStealing for f2p

    Apparently these are no longer needed. I can't confirm it personally but, reading through comments on Wowhead, it seems to be the case. Just wanted to add that here, for others going through the process-
  8. Zany

    What did you loot today?=)

    I'd like to join the club... Guess Nil will have to join the ranks of 30's
  9. Zany

    The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory Restoration Shaman, Vet. Still need some work, but it's kitted out well enough for twinkiness. Been away from both WoW and Twinking for some years.Having a whole lot of fun.
  10. Zany

    Any of you play F2P Diablo?

    Sure thing... If I'm online.
  11. Zany

    Any of you play F2P Diablo?

    This sounds fun. Starting up a trial account on EU. Zany#2667 Feel free to add me :)
  12. Zany

    <liféless> Level 1 twink guild is looking after people like you!

    Hey! I'm rather interested in this, Added your gametags. Hope to meet up with you in game :)
  13. Zany

    EU Activity

    Slowly building a Resto/Ele Shaman on Stormscale: Up for anything - not only pvp :)