I have a few 39s and im probably going to be rolling at SS at some point
Bankermeandu @ Doomhammer - Community - World of Warcraft
Holythane @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft
Soooo I've made a 39 but now I have some questions. It seems like you guys are on SS horde right? How well is gear scaling? Like I got stuff I wanna use with like 20 ilvl, are there any maximum scaling? The guild you guys are in, any activity? I rather do stuff like 2s here instead of 29s so if there are any action hook me up. I'm currently ally, anything I should get before I go horde? I will play ret as mainspec.
We kinda have to test that ourselves, anyways I am on Draenor (Horde) we can test some stuff out this weekend if you want regarding scaling?