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  1. Alphasky

    When i see a 24 hunter

    When i see a 24 hunter , my thoughts about cancer get a whole new meaning.
  2. Alphasky

    F2P warriors can do well

    Any class and any spec is viable if played properly,only diff is your role by the spec you choose. For instance if you play arms you can't be rushing without atleast some back up, cause you can't slow ppl around you without PH,but you do insaine dmg. If you go tank it's usualy best for...
  3. Alphasky

    Join F2P Horde on Aggramar!

    All are welcome to join us at Aggramar,many players there are f2p and p2p,high activity,pvp/pve,fun in chat - you name it Also passing the trial has extended - beat Bubblestys in a duel or buy me and Gamon a Halaa Whiskey !
  4. Alphasky

    It's been a good run. Goodbye and good luck to you all. <3

    Although i remember you vaguely,never the less i see many ppl here show there love and respect so i will join them in their wishes-and thus i wish you all the best in the life to come and the choices you make...........:)
  5. Alphasky

    the real problem with this bracket(hint:its not 24's!)

    Ah yes the 400-900 HP idiots that join a BG,what can we really say about them : 1.Ofc we all had to start from somewhere -although we didn't start by entering BG's with 600 HP,first we did dungeons and chain quests and then we entered with atleast 1 k HP and with some professions (Atleast i...
  6. Alphasky

    How to twink a warrior lvl 20?

    Well you're not important really but i will reach out all the same and elaborate what i ment : 1.the OP has absolutely no knowledge of the class whatsoever and hasen't even started feeling out the terrain - or in other words he wants to know how to run and is crawling - ( so to speak ) 2.I...
  7. Alphasky

    How to twink a warrior lvl 20?

    I'm betting you will eventualy get dissapointed and give up on warrior class after seing how much skill is needed to compensate against other classes, so i see you giving up and rolling a hunter instead. However if i am wrong and you do decide to stick with warrior,then i'll help you out -...
  8. Alphasky

    my f2p battleground thoughts

    Welcome Radvaark,nice to see a good mage posting on TI 24's are ruining the bracket by two things ;GY farming and the ''cat and mice play'' in the middfield of WSG ( otherwise they provide a challenge ) - and ofc there are some real good ones as ejoyable ones to play with. It is so thrilling...
  9. Alphasky

    Question for Alliance premades

    I somewhat agree with sally with one exception ( 2.nd note) , Often in BG's you have idiots ( well mostly ppl ) that want to farm (now there's a challenge) if they are being superior to the opposing team,now here's the deal : 1 .That starts by middfield farming and graduately advances to there...
  10. Alphasky

    Warrior heirloom weapons question

    It's like this : If you're Horde then forget DW cause of the ''lack of hit raiting'' (once you're fully loomed) and go with the 2H axe-it does more burst ! If you're Alliance go DW cause of the commanders eye patch that makes up for the hit and then DW is the way to go ! Also keep in mind...
  11. Alphasky

    Mykx pvp video series

    Ok then............. i will try and use a diff approach here ................ Since i don't have time at this very moment,in my next post i will tell you all the things you are doing wrong or what can be approved.............. Then you learn them and start posting vids worth...
  12. Alphasky

    Mykx pvp video series

    Ok can someone please explain to me who are all this rookies feeling so good and confident about there begginer gameplay even to the extend of posting there ridiculous vids on TI (good thing they don't fraps soloing a lvl 20 mob in Ashenvale) ...............? Who are you ppl, and why don't i...
  13. Alphasky

    Please guide f2p for warrior

    There is to much explaining to do and you need to learn a certain begginer aspects of the class on your own and then some of your questions that come with some experience can be anwsered. So do a fiew BG's first and try diff stuff and then start asking the right questions and then we will...
  14. Alphasky

    F2P Armory Library

    Alphasky @ Burning Steppes - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
  15. Alphasky

    F2p prot warrior Avikntoc

    LOL i couldn't stop laughing when i watched the video............. It's official you are the next conan...... who are all these low HP looser scrubs you are pounding without any tactics or positioning......... why don't you make a video of soloing a hunter but let him have atleast 1 k HP and...
  16. Alphasky

    You know this bracket is amazing when...

    was a little harmless fun,no insults ment.....where's your sarcastic sence of humor ? :)
  17. Alphasky

    You know this bracket is amazing when...

    not like a madman'',more like an idiot or a 16 y old virgin, but i musn't use that word else i'll get banned... - and then i'll miss out on more idiot like posts on TI-and that would be such a waste.:)
  18. Alphasky

    You know this bracket is amazing when...

    You know this bracket is amazing when.. You get to play alongside ppl like ''Kraud,Celestys,Gera,Mooraine,Memento,Celt,Herbail,Bronc,Qball,Beastclaws,Klorien,Socia,Pera,Celestyna,Aenae,etc...'' Against ppl like...
  19. Alphasky

    are Warrior lvl 20 twinks and good in this bracket?

    Play a class what you like because of the class itself and not cause it's easy or facerolling like hunter overpopulation lately (wow really.... who would have thought that kids that can barely play tetris would have rolled hunters-now there's a suprise) As for the warrior spec - if you have a...
  20. Alphasky

    Who do you think is the best 24s in this bracket? (EU and US)

    Little kids with god given powers ( power-the diff between lvl 20 and lvl 24 ) that walk around feeling so cool and skilled with there 5 button fights around sheep (sheep- that being your average f2p ) and killing them with such ease.............................. Oh yeah it really is a topic on...