Please guide f2p for warrior

Here's mine:

1. Charge. Hit random assortment of buttons, preferably damage dealing.

2. Check if you have a healer:
No? Visit the Spirit Resser.
Yes? Visit the Spirit Resser.

Good, yeah?
Warriors have some ridiculous healing though.

I know.

But my reasoning was, you want the most damage at the end of the game on the scoreboard (right?) so forgo your epic healing in favor of some damage before you visit the hot babe in the GY.
For horde:
1. Post pre-boa screen shot of most recent game:

"Horde has so many huntards!111!!1"
Look at hp. This is normal.
2. Use esdf movement
3. Spam 'w' (decide if you need more rage/dmg now use t or ` as appropriate during charge)
4. Spam '2'
(Control globals, be aware of when hunters can disengage/ rogues can gouge/ etc)
5. Press 'r' if necessary
6. Mouseover '3' on any rogues/druids

7. Sacrifice yourself. If you see 3 mounted players running after your fc: charge the one in the front and snare the rest. They will all likely dismount just to kill you. You win one flag cap.

8. A 24 rogue is on the loose. Rend on 24 rogues is a top priority. Keep this one from gaining stealth and our fc can run freely even with bad awareness. You serve the Horde, be glad to give your life for the win.

9. Drop combat and recharge. This lets you get another interrupt on healers. You may die for doing this, but if it helps your team get a return for the 3rd cap it is worth it.

Don't QQ about lack of heals and say gg to your pug.

The End

For alliance:
1. Queue
2. Win

The End
but...what if i dont want to serve the horde/ally...and i dont want to die and sacrfice myself for their retarded cause.My death statistics are worth moar than those pixel leaders(garrosh and the whatever other is) combined.Im all in for the amount of frags in each game

And its not a joke.Id rather have a perfect zero death char(still workin on that) than some flags returned/honorable bs

But ok..that aside..warriors heal themselves based on how many ''n00bs'' they kill. Find the stragglers..pick out the weaklings and cull them. Get the odd one out.Always stay near ur team/behind ur team/always heal/run all these cowardly tactics.And you my friend...will be ''da #1 f2p warrior''.Always come in buffed.Scrolls/food you name it. Multibox characters,use a fortitude buffer,etc.I have like 2 character buffers avaliable at all times.

For Horde
And my best advice.Have a /afk hotkey handy.Ally has too many 24s? Horde gettin spawncamped?Not enough healz?

For ally
Horde has too much hunters?Too much healz? You taking a beating from 4 people at once?Then my /afk out.
Use your teammates as meatshields.You are worth 5 times as much as that human or blood elf paladin standing right there. Let him take the damage. That priest taking a beating from a rouge?Thats fine she can make it ,she probably has an AGM/healing pot in there,she can make it. You on the other hand..always be on the lookout

Should you ever die(we are all human after all) from lag/too much spike damage/didnt press /afk fast enough.Find your killer.Find him/her. Kill them.Take their insignina.Then target them again for the rest of the match and keep killing them. and get used to the 15 minute debuff
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but...what if i dont want to serve the horde/ally...and i dont want to die and sacrfice myself

And its not a joke.Id rather have a perfect zero death char(still workin on that) than some flags returned/honorable bs

Always stay near ur team/behind ur team/always heal/run all these cowardly tactics.And you my friend...will be ''da #1 f2p warrior''.

For Horde
And my best advice.Have a /afk hotkey handy.Ally has too many 24s? Horde gettin spawncamped?Not enough healz?

For ally
Horde has too much hunters?Too much healz? You taking a beating from 4 people at once?Then my /afk out.
Use your teammates as meatshields.

That priest taking a beating from a rouge?Thats fine she can make it

[...] and get used to the 15 minute debuff

OP asked for warrior guide:

1. noun: a person engaged or experienced in warfare; soldier.
2. noun: a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness,

1. noun: a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person.
2. adjective: lacking courage; very fearful or timid.
3. noun: a person who uses /afk
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Come in fully buffed to encourage healers to heal you. 1900 is possible as fury w/o stacking stam.

Charge>bloodthirst>heroic strike>vic rush(if up)>rend>thunder

Tips: 1. Macro bloodthirst and heroic strike together so if you have enough rage, both of those hit during the 1 sec stun.
2. Macro /attack to multiple abilities so you are always auto attacking if for some reason you cant get off that 1st special
3. Pick your fights. Don't run in first, you can't get off your charge.
4. ToT. What is moving the least and has top priority at the same time? Healers. Charge to break a cast and kill them.
5. You are a hard hitting melee. Kill dem squishies. It takes around 3-5 sec. Then you get a vic rush that heals for 350ish if fully buffed.
6. Run around to the back of the fight so you aren't in your enemies' tunnel vision during a large scale fight.
7. Save heroic throw for a bonus finisher. Don't open with it.

AGM is more BiS for warriors than it is for almost any other class simply because haste and int don't have much effect at this level.

I'd post a SS if i could figure out how (I run off an iMac, I have SS, but idk how to post)
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There is to much explaining to do and you need to learn a certain begginer aspects of the class on your own and then some of your questions that come with some experience can be anwsered.

So do a fiew BG's first and try diff stuff and then start asking the right questions and then we will anwser them to the best of our abilites .

Cheers :)
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1. Be the meatshield and charge in.
2. Don't macro Bloodthirst and Heroic in one. You'll need a separate macro from both anyway.
3. Start with PH right after the Charge
4. Charge > PH (if not can global) > Rend (if not can global) > Bloodthirst > Heroic Strike > PH > ... Get killed.

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