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  1. Nutbreaker

    EU+US 10's new Meta's, stat changes, and BIG incoming nerfs. RIP 10's.

    How does having less spells make it harder to play? If anything it's the opposite
  2. Nutbreaker

    Enchanting the bgs

    I think we get one of these threads everyday
  3. Nutbreaker

    EU+US Why Twinking has become better in Legion. Asking about the attitude problem.

    Yeah, legion games really are so boring compared to the older expacs
  4. Nutbreaker

    EU+US Why Twinking has become better in Legion. Asking about the attitude problem.

    Isn't Swifty that fat resto druid guy?
  5. Nutbreaker

    EU+US nvm

    Breaking news: @ohti isn't the smartest and makes simple mistake
  6. Nutbreaker

    @Chainz :blush:

    @Chainz :blush:
  7. Nutbreaker

    @Chainz Not really I was gonna say I could easily beat u in a fight

    @Chainz Not really I was gonna say I could easily beat u in a fight
  8. Nutbreaker

    EU+US 10's new Meta's, stat changes, and BIG incoming nerfs. RIP 10's.

    The only reason they play it is because it's OP
  9. Nutbreaker

    @Chainz hey nice profile pic is that you?

    @Chainz hey nice profile pic is that you?
  10. Nutbreaker

    EU+US nvm

    Yeah, think you're just being dumb
  11. Nutbreaker

    EU+US 10's new Meta's, stat changes, and BIG incoming nerfs. RIP 10's.

    Pretty sure most the spells that make rsham good are missing at 10
  12. Nutbreaker

    Currently Listening To...

    ? What does that have to do with anything
  13. Nutbreaker

    US Legion Event

  14. Nutbreaker

    Currently Listening To...

    You guys need to stop with your essays I don't care enough to reply
  15. Nutbreaker

    US Legion Event

    It's fine with me I got my full warforged x d
  16. Nutbreaker

    EU+US Why Twinking has become better in Legion. Asking about the attitude problem.

    I was gonna write out a response but you're too dumb for me to waste my time
  17. Nutbreaker

    US Legion Event

    Sorry for your loss? His mum didn't just die
  18. Nutbreaker

    EU+US Best Gems for Arcane Mage?

    Basically, keep your stats even