Search results

  1. M0rtis666

    Druid gems for each spec?

    Kind of new to this f2p/vet pvp I have been following the f2p baseline on here. I subbed a extra month so i know its not f2p technically. I pretty much have all my enchants done and rep and most my gear besides a few things. And im going to enchant and gear up every spec of my druid . curious...
  2. M0rtis666

    Sorry missed your message! Home lifes been pretty crazy! Tyvm for messaging me. Last night I...

    Sorry missed your message! Home lifes been pretty crazy! Tyvm for messaging me. Last night I actually finally found a 60 to run me a few times and got my moonglade robe though about 8 runs id asay!
  3. M0rtis666

    Shadowlands F2P Baseline Guide

    Im having trouble getting a group for mechanar for the moonglade robe for my druid. What's a good chest piece I can replace it with?
  4. M0rtis666

    Shaman artifact weapon enchants and alternatives.

    Im just getting into ny enchanting. I want to enchant my elemental shaman fist of ra-den with spellpower. I read it drops from the molten core. Obviously on my starter account i can't run in at level 20 . for the first of ra-den what are some alternative weapon enchants i can use? For elemental...
  5. M0rtis666

    Farming Friends! (F2P/Vet tags)

    Looking for some runs for TBC any dungeon. Looking to get my Shadow priest geared up have a few other toons of anyone is doing runs. I'm horde on US-Aerie Peak WildDruid#11602
  6. M0rtis666

    F2p and WoD dungeon.

    Im trying to find a way into auchindoun I tried chromie and not and I still can't use the specific dungeon group finder? Anyone know how i can fix this? Been looking around online and I cant figure it out. Do I need to do the quests in talador or something? Sorry for the dumb question
  7. M0rtis666

    Shadowlands F2P Baseline Guide

    Thanks alot! And also you too warglave! Very helpful!
  8. M0rtis666

    Shadowlands F2P Baseline Guide

    hey all! I have been lurking around a few days. I'm interested in making a f2p character. I'm just confused about some things and hoping somone can help me out. Im wondering where I should start once i hit 20 and have my artifact weapons. I read that i should quest in the broken isles for...
  9. M0rtis666

    US Going back to f2p July 4th! Few questions!

    Sorry I posted in the wrong place everyone!
  10. M0rtis666

    US Going back to f2p July 4th! Few questions!

    Cool! Really appreciate the reply! I'm on the alliance side but do have a druid I'm Workin on a separate realm though. I'm a huge druid fan lol but I do plan on making a few f2p toons. I played a f2p on a starter account the other day and I was very surprised that I was getting into bgs pretty...
  11. M0rtis666

    US Going back to f2p July 4th! Few questions!

    Hey all! I'm currently working on a druid. I would like to get gear and enchants for every spec minus gaurdian. So I have the fang set (need gloves though for resto spec and balance i thought I seen on a armory. Anyways my question is. What enchants should I get for chest hands feet and cloak...
  12. M0rtis666

    Want to make a twink in classic

    I want to make a rogue in classic on alliance side. I know we can't cut xp off right now. So I'm trying to figure it out. How to get my gear and etc in dungeon's without goin over 19....anyone have a rundown of what to do or tips? It's ALOT different then retail! Any help or advice if greatly...
  13. M0rtis666

    US Having trouble finding a enchanter on my server ( Nesingwary)

    I'm on Nesingwary and I'm looking for someone who can enchant my shoulders and legs for my 29 feral druid. (Already have a balance druid so I wanted to do something different. Anyways I can't find anything on the auction house at all! Any tips on how to get some? I don't want to level another...
  14. M0rtis666

    Void shrouded satchel - Touch of the Void heirloom, for free on NA region

    Haha took a nap myself lol just woke up thanks man I'm getting on now! Hey! I wanted to say thank you zazzyfraz for the void shrouded satchel! Awesome! Tyvm!
  15. M0rtis666

    Sorry not if I'm messaging correctly i don't use Xpoff often. I'm on Nerzhul atohi

    Sorry not if I'm messaging correctly i don't use Xpoff often. I'm on Nerzhul atohi
  16. M0rtis666

    Void shrouded satchel - Touch of the Void heirloom, for free on NA region

    Ok will do right now Im on Nerzhul Same name Atohi
  17. M0rtis666

    Level 19 Or level 29 feral druid

    So I was thinking about putting another character together and instead of a elemental shaman or outlaw rogue I wanted to go with a druid..there are ALOT of boomkins right now in pvp imo way more then feral lol I just want to play something not many people are right now.ive searched and searched...
  18. M0rtis666

    EU Horde quit using this pls.

    I've been seeing the boards more often lol it's very annoying! I see them when they are losing alot they start to throw them down.hopefully blizzard will put a stop to it after enough complaints! It's funny yeah but when your trying to switch a target and are getting boards....and there is 20+...
  19. M0rtis666

    I am currently playing.....

    I am currently playing.....