Search results

  1. Naked Premade Signup (Friday, June 26th @ 8:00 PST)

  2. EOTS - Let's try it?

    I have a dream that one day 19s que randoms.
  3. The NCWL - Intrigue Poll

    Dude yes, war song/arathi/eots
  4. The NCWL - Intrigue Poll

    So with this in mind will there be a Super Bowl? And a playoff system? Aswell as divisions/conferences???? Sounds like a great idea. If the format of the NFL regular/post-season was copied id probably be more excited for this than the twinkcup :).
  5. Rogue Race for Premades

    Make the bm go Tauren and go blood elf. Even if the bm stays blood elf it would still be worth it for you to be blood elf.
  6. Double Arms Warrior and Crusader Swapping Should Be Allowed In the Twink Cup!

    It also doesn't help that you were playing as THE strongest 3s comp in the 19 bracket excluding feral druids ofc
  7. Underpowered Premade Signups (6/19/15 8:30 PM PST)

    Classes/Specs Preferred: Darkxd-shadow or holy priest - alliance Swagxhype- elemental or enhancement shaman- horde Classes/Specs Possible: Asvpfergxd-resto Druid- horde Hottedxd-resto Druid- alliance Real ID: Darkxdpvp#1622
  8. Looking for a twinkcup Team

  9. Looking for a twinkcup Team

    Hey, As the title says I'm currently looking for a team for the twinkcup. I am willing to play whatever class I am needed on, however I am most comfortable with Shaman, Priest, and rogue. I have premade experience in multiple twink brackets and want to get on a team that is relatively...
  10. Dream team 19 twinks

    Harvest A team
  11. Should something like this be allowed in the Twink Cup/PuG's?

    My guild will not participate in the twinkcup if exploits like this are allowed.
  12. UGGTW twink cup recruitment thread

    will you be running an ele?
  13. Cuban Raft Riders Are Currently Looking For Premades

    We are interested in playing. I'll toss you a btag as soon as I get on to work out the details
  14. NDS Wargames

    Add my btag so we can set something up. Darkxdpvp#1622
  15. Twitter Army Unite!

    When a blizzard employee reads a childish sodapoppin name dropping off topic tweet they laugh and move on. If you want change you are going to have to propose it in a professional way. Lol
  16. Holy Paladin or Mw?

    Hpal is op. Go hpal 100%
  17. Google Me - Tichondrius Horde

    Recruiting We are currently recruiting 19s for our team. What we have to offer -Full funding -Premade opportunities -A highly skilled and experienced group of players to que with What do you have to offer to us? We are looking for players that can represent that guild tag and can perform...
  18. Premading guilds hit me up with your Battle Tag pls

    You have me added.
  19. BEST of 19

    Roster - Community - World of Warcraft
  20. Premading guilds hit me up with your Battle Tag pls

    Darkxdpvp#1622 . we would be interested in setting up games on Saturday and Sunday nights.