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  1. danny glover

    We Missed A Great Opportunity...

    Oh my, this thing has gone full kapernick.
  2. danny glover

    39 sub vs outlaw rogue

    Agreed, gouge and between the eyes are to valuable for cc'ing off targets. Sub can still be good in the right hands, just falls a little short next to outlaw. It really get's it's teeth a bracket up when you get shadow dance.
  3. danny glover

    asmingold Is coming

    He's just another weak soy boy beta cock.
  4. danny glover

    asmingold Is coming
  5. danny glover

    Old 39 rogue. Anything worth transferring him for?

    Don't worry. I'm a cowboys fan, things aren't to great over here right now either. First round for Amari Cooper, gtfo Jerry.
  6. danny glover

    Old 39 rogue. Anything worth transferring him for?

    My rogue was very close to your before I updated. With those GF'ed chants you can get to about 300ap with 3k hp. Here's my dorf rouge if you want to take a look. As far as weapons go I prefer the 3.6 cudgel of narralex w/ landslide...
  7. danny glover

    US 49s Armory List

    49 Sub Rogue
  8. danny glover

    EU+US reporting destiny / ilvl 38 items not proc

    Kinda glad that doesn't work tbh.
  9. danny glover

    Wrist enchant question

  10. danny glover

    Best Level 70 Rogue Transmog?

    Style, you either have it or you don't.
  11. danny glover

    US WTS - ilvl 58 Precisely Calibrated Boomstick - Wyrmrest Accord Will take gold on Bleeding Hollow.
  12. danny glover

    Rogue weapons and weapon enchants

    is this hapening to the scaled version only?
  13. danny glover

    Rogue weapons and weapon enchants

    Unless they changed LS it will always benefit from a slow mainhand weapon. DS OH can proc fro MH attacks where as the opposite is not true.
  14. danny glover

    Rogue weapons and weapon enchants

    Landslide on the slow mace procs a lot. I think I've settled on LS MH/DS OH for my horde rogue. Still not entirely sure if it's worth it on the 2.6 speed Dazzling Longsword.
  15. danny glover

    US 39's Armory List

    Horde Rogue Alliance Rogue (GF'ed)
  16. danny glover

    BiS trinket at 39?

    i played around with a few different builds. 3000 hp felt like the sweet spot to me. i wouldnt prioritize versitility, but also wouldnt avoid it. for example the falcon ring and assault band give the same tooltip damage reading.
  17. danny glover

    BiS trinket at 39? This set feels comfortable to me. Haven't played since the proc nerfs though. 277 ap 2976 hp 11% ver 18% crit
  18. danny glover

    US Nostalgic Names

    deadpetcity catfishcarl xkisses
  19. danny glover

    Livingforce Steaming Overwatch/Wow!!!

    mei (Mage) so annoying