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  1. Germinus

    Why did you decide to play level20?

    Want to vote 2 and 3, so ended on 2. Usa Stan. R. Tard.
  2. Germinus

    Is it true we won't be able to lock xp anymore?

    I feel bad and this post is poo.
  3. Germinus

    20s behavior in dungeons

    Imagine wiping 2021. As tank i run, others follow or leave. Their choise. 10 and 20. I can solo.
  4. Germinus

    20s behavior in dungeons

    This therad makes me want to shave off my neckbeard... 47cm of it... or maby i sell my granpas fedora. Everyone with small dick leave dungeon before last boss.
  5. Germinus

    20s behavior in dungeons

    I kinda understand Chops here. Twinks i met, mostly slack off and think theyre cool. Good ridd. Good twink will show off and run fully. Just cause.
  6. Germinus

    20s behavior in dungeons

    As a 10. And as a 20. F2p. I farm item from first boss. Unlucky or not, i run the fuc.. dungeon to end. I feel like leaving mid dung bc of gear is just rude. You get or not. You run it. I hope ppl will do same. I have ran over 800 hov and no trinck. I allways run full. Just cause. And i can get...
  7. Germinus

    Are enhancment shamans any good?

    Feral is most annoying and fun class. Eaven f2p put some time in and slap some serious dmg while healing whole team. Its like enha, but fun.
  8. Germinus

    post them salty dms!

    Not salty dm, but i wonder. Will we, twinks be. Next on line for harasment?
  9. Germinus

    Ilvl 54 artifact weapon nerf inc

    More than likely, someone gave gift to friend and when friend used relic, they went brrr. Posted it in discord and rest is legend.
  10. Germinus

    New ILVL 54 artefact weapons

    Wanted to add on this. Fury warrior gets 2x2h. But can be used in arms as 1x 2h. Also to point out. Classes like feral, guardian, boomy. Rogue. Monk. All dual wield can be double enchanted when equip, still 1 slot in bag / bank Also, as 10 twink. I got assbringer up with wrappers, but i wont get...
  11. Germinus

    New ILVL 54 artefact weapons

    All the relic drops are funky atm. Just like Gandalf said:" may the forse be with you, Harry!"
  12. Germinus

    New ILVL 54 artefact weapons

    Im f2p too, if it wasent clear. Also wowhead loot tables are fucked. -- i got my fires from invasions mainly. By ah i mainly ment: why would anyone bot it.
  13. Germinus

    New ILVL 54 artefact weapons

    This is what i heard: "On populated servers relics sell for 100g.ea. On low pop server they dont sell." Tbf you make more gold from trash loot when farming thees than greens / relics. But cannot confirm the ah. Im f2p / vet. But i have made over 70k gold total in trash loot when farming world...
  14. Germinus

    Ilvl 54 artifact weapon nerf inc

    They slappen invis walls on many "safe spots" in bg, why not do that on walls. No more fear under / in.
  15. Germinus

    New ILVL 54 artefact weapons

    Havent seen single person there yet. 3 days on and off farming
  16. Germinus

    New ILVL 54 artefact weapons

    To be fair, you can use vpn and get for "half" price depending market. For example, you pay 13.99€ month. Swap vpn, buy prepaid card for 8.99 and you got month for 9€
  17. Germinus

    New ILVL 54 artefact weapons

    All complain fire.. i have 3 on my druid... but... frost. Now total 18h non stop killing. I have 16 storm. 0 frost. 1.3k dust from de and 22 ilv gem gear to share, if i had game time. (Not in 3 years). When waiting new spawn "sycle" i tank dung. Got all gem gears now.
  18. Germinus

    thoughts and opinions

    Feral is fun and usefull meme that goes brrr
  19. Germinus

    Big Jorney that started and ended in Mop

    Had more of them at some point, but lost them : / now only thees remain
  20. Germinus