Search results

  1. Eldrid

    best Cataclysm twink?

    Well with cataclysm hinting classic soon I dont have time to build a plentora of twinks like I did on retail back in time so I will focus on a single 1 before grandfathered items leave. What is in your opinion the most faceroll noobstomp twink possible to have fun steamrolling some ungeared...
  2. Eldrid

    Question about lvl 39 Ilvl gear

    Everytime I use wowhead to see what ilvl the items are at certain level the answer is innacurate so I'm trying to figure out if Epic weapon will be 113 or 123?
  3. Eldrid

    Gearing up a 29 shammy and need help with gear

    I was asking myself WHY WF items are better then old TBC items with multiple sockets. isnt gear from all expantion scale the same since your getting stuff in donjons during leveling process?
  4. Eldrid

    Where the last alive twink play?

    Whats the biggest bracket right now and what server? thinking of making a new twink from the scratch all my old 19 perfect geared twinks are now level 9 and useless LMK whats the bracket with most people and where to play plz
  5. Eldrid

    Shadowlands 39s community US

    Whats the best server for 39's?
  6. Eldrid

    Bleeding hollow

    Still no invitation XD guess they are full well I'm going to grocery store will be back in 1 hour if somebody of the guild manage to just add me or invit me during that time that would be appreciated ty <3
  7. Eldrid

    Bleeding hollow

    a dang your right but I still want a guild invit How do I manage that without the recruitment system XD
  8. Eldrid

    Bleeding hollow

    I fucking hate my game for some reason I just Cant find the guild in the Looking for guild system even if I type the name 100% correctly >< can somebody of the guild add me Eldrid#2540 or just Invite Natashate in the guild plz? I'm online right now
  9. Eldrid

    Bleeding hollow

    stuck at graveyard is the guild name? I just cant find them in guild finder :(
  10. Eldrid

    Bleeding hollow

    I've been looking for a guild to help me get some items on bleeding hollow and couldnt find any Alliance guild so far dedicated to vet twinks this is why I was asking I have a very precise build in mind and I'm gonna defenetly need the help of some guild to get it done so I'm trying to find...
  11. Eldrid

    Bleeding hollow

    Is Bleeding hollow still the to go Server for 20's? Or people swapped to an other server?
  12. Eldrid

    39's cookie cutters

    I'm interested in starting a lvl 39 twink on bleeding hollow I want to know what are the cookie cuter specs for 39's in shadowlands LMK plz
  13. Eldrid

    US server for Twink bg?

    really 70 seen 0 answer? does anybody even twink on US?
  14. Eldrid

    US server for Twink bg?

    whats the best server for actual lvl 19 bracket?
  15. Eldrid

    WTS several high end / rare / GF'd items

    Clear your inbox plz bro I cant PM you
  16. Eldrid

    F2P monks

    a damnit I was asking cause on the trade section some poeple was talking about what was making a f2p account Worth more $ and in the option they told about possibility of making a DK or a monk so I was asking myself if their was really any real f2p monk actually
  17. Eldrid

    F2P monks

    How is it possible to get a f2p monk on your account?
  18. Eldrid

    Horde Level 50 Raiding and PvP Guild

    I,m really interested too keep me updated plz
  19. Eldrid

    50-54 bracket, raids and guild informations needed here

    Hi guys I would really love to know if their is any lvl 50-54 guild still active or server where you can see some Also wanna know if their is any organised BG's at any given times for that bracket LMK plz guys Prefer US but going to EU isnt impossible for me