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  1. EU+US Vet twinking will be dead after 27 august ?

    Still gonna be playing my vet for me
  2. 15-19 Armory Thread Extended Edition v2

    Hello, u can add my ele shammy :D Teto @ Darkspear - Community - World of Warcraft
  3. The Ideal Class For MOP/Current Patch

    im sry but yes druids are viable
  4. Ferals

    In the last bgs i did, i was doing pretty well even if we only have rej as a heals( 160 tick ) and lifeblood. Like Mesi said if u kno a bit the basics of fcing and kiting u will be alright. For the dmg, my biggest crit in 5.0.4 was 1440 ferocious bite. Since we have Wild charge, we have alot...
  5. New 19 Twink Guild on Oceanic Server Saurfang (H)

    my mage is on this server and my mains. i kno couple of 19s alliance side... :D
  6. Moving to Bleeding Hollow. What faction/class should I be?

    ok... i think u just misunderstood my comment.
  7. Moving to Bleeding Hollow. What faction/class should I be?

    Play what u wanna play! why asking advices from others to choose ur own class?? srlsy
  8. Addons!

    Awesome guys!! tyvm for the addons. If u have any others u wanna share, post them :D
  9. Ret or Prot pally?

    as prot u can silence with avenger shield i think, right?
  10. Addons!

    ty for the addons guys,,anyone have specific addons for druids?
  11. Addons!

    Hello everyone, i wanna know what addons u guys are using while playing in the gulch. For me, im using GladiatorLosA, reccount and thats it. ( yea pretty sad :/ ) I saw on many screenshots different addons, id like to kno what they are. thx in advance :D
  12. the great dalaran migration

    brb going to dal :D
  13. Darkchewie 2.0 Video

    Good video man! Hope to see other clips soon!! :D
  14. Summer Real ID Premade Nights!

    good idea!!! :D
  15. Whats your guild rep?

    like the title says, whats ur guild rep atm?? :D